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Friday, December 22, 2023

We had three chances for the chemistry practice test. There was also the option to take the final at home, but there's no way I could've done it at home when I'm never left alone for more than 10 minutes. Making me opt for the in-class test.

On the walk to Chem, I was giving myself a pep talk, trying to remember that I worked hard and would do fine. I was the first one of the group to get to class. I sat down, telling myself to breathe. I had already been stressing about this for two weeks. I got all my stress out and needed to relax. Then one by one, the guys started to file in.

All the guys had taken the at home final.

"We got 72%." Said Ty and Cam

"I got 75%," Sunshine added.

"What did you get, Luca?" I asked, hoping for one of them to get a B.

"65." That's a D, pretty much failing the final.

I know the guys don't do their work and barely take notes, but they had google and each other. I had done the final practice test just before this and got a 100% on that. I also had taken extra notes from the practice test and put them in my notebook because we could use our notes.

After I heard their scores, I was absolutely horrified that I'd completely fail my final. I turned to Sunshine and knew that I had become paler. I already had eye bags that made me look like a panda, especially since I only slept one hour. Of course, the one night I didn't need to study, I was wide awake and couldn't sleep. I was holding onto my coffee cup like it'd save my life.

"Can you do some religious things? I'm kind of freaking out right now." I had looked over to Sunshine because, out of all of us, he's the religious one. With that, he put his hand on my shoulder and started to pray for me to be calm, sleep, and pass my final.

Right after Sunshine had started to pray for me, Corey put his hand over Sunshine's mildly ruining the moment, but I would take all the luck I could get.

"Thanks guys, I needed that."

At that moment, my teacher started the class, telling everyone to be quiet for those of us taking the final. She then moved around the room, passing out the final. I looked at the first question then turned through a few pages, realizing that it was exactly the same as the practice test. The even better part was the extra notes I had taken from the practice test for the tricky questions that I had been worried about. It was my easiest final and the hardest to stay awake for.

I finished all 45 questions. After going back to my seat, sitting, grabbing my headphones, and taking a much-needed nap because I deserved it.


I hope all the insomniacs go to sleep and the morning people enjoy the sun.

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