Chapter 10

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I sat with the 3 higher-ups in a private room. Ivy was right in front of me looking at my tattoos both the dimple tattoos and the 2 on my tempel. I had just taken a bath and my hair was comped back making them very visible.

"Laila. do you mind sharing what you've been through?" He asked me.

"Everything?" I asked him. He shook his head.

"After you ran away and why you ran away," He told me. I looked at him.

"Why do you want that information?" I asked.

"We want to know what fostered such rage within you don't worry. You will get something in return," He said. His sullen was calm stone cold and ignored Luna as she tried to play with it.

"Fine. Do you know Robin raped me?" I asked. He did not I could tell from his facial expression alone he hadn't been told of that detail.

"Not only that but he killed me and cut open multiple holes in my stomach using them rather than the opening mother nature gave women," I said allowing him to take in that fact. Their cold and calm faces changed the tiniest bit for the briefest moment before hardening up.

"After that, I went to the police, or rather the Edwards called them for me. Don't know why. I do know that they purposefully kept me in the dark about spirs for a while and after an unrelated incident I checked my bank account at 4 in the morning and saw that they had paid damages and I decided to leave not wanting to face my rapist again. Went to the same police station that processed my report on Robin and got a contract annulment,"

"I am sorry that you had to go through that, especially with your childhood," He said. I knew he didn't mean a single word he said. His sullen gave it away.

"Cut your fake sympathy. We both know you couldn't care less about what I have been through nor how I feel. You are just here so you can deliver a report to whoever is holding your leash," I said not so kindly. Now that shocked all of them.

"Excuse me?" He was genuinely offended.

"am I wrong?" I asked. He said nothing stunned while

"You are," His sullen said otherwise

"Well I know you don't care no one cares about literal strangers especially not a vindictive bitch," I told him. Now something in his eyes changed. I don't know if he got mad or if there was honest sympathy but he seemed different. Luna sat on my head trying to calm me. I Ignored her as she laid on my damp hair.

"Either way. I left. Had to sell my hair which was almost two and a half meters long because the Edwards stole all the money I had saved up while working for them and I lived on the streets for some months. I collected 4 bounties by beating up men who tried to mug me. Found an apartment got off the streets and had a decent job too and then the PTP team decided to attack me. The thing is they despite having firearms and other weapons lost to lil ol me. The majority of my body had to be in casts for 6 weeks afterthought," I smiled.

"How did you overpower them?" He asked.

"Pure rage. I have a trigger that makes me see red and act purely on instinct I don't even register things happening until the trigger is disarmed and hell I don't know what disarms it I just know that the results are... deadly. If you think what I do to my parents is bad then you don't want to see what happens when the trigger is pulled," I told him calmly with a plastered-on smile. He saw right through it.

"You hate it when you lose control," He stated. I sighed.

"hate not being able to control a situation I am responsible for," I corrected him.

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