Author's Note

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Wow. I can't believe it's over already.

I want to start off by thanking you for finishing the story. Whether you are a vocal commentor or a silent reader, your time has been cherished by myself, and I feel honoured to have filled your limited leisure... and hopefully caused you smile from time to time! :D

As for the story, CDO started out as a spurn of the moment passion project and has now become one of my favourite contributions to the website. A lot of the themes in this book, such as love, family, and even faith, are topics that I have felt strongly about in recent times. And while I can't claim to be a competent writer as of yet, I like to hope that I have been able to convey a narrative balanced in comedy, emotion and philosophy. 

Although this is currently only the first draft, so there's still a lot of editing and re-writes I'll have to do before I'm comfortable with moving on to my next project.

I hope you enjoyed the story, and the developing relationship between C'thelli and Feimo, I know I certainly did!

Before you go, would you forgive me for taking a moment more of your time and answer these questions, please?

What are your overall thoughts of the story?

Who was your favourite character?

What was your favourite scene?

Who was your least favourite character?

What was your least favourite scene?

How could the story be better?

Thank you to everyone who has kindly provided me with feedback. I'll be sure to take everything you have said to heart, and use it to make CDO the best story it can possibly be.

I hope you have a wonderful day!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: 13 hours ago ⏰

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