Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning to my alarm reminding me of the reality I live in. I looked over at my alarm clock reading 7:00 am. I had to get ready for my shift at Walter's. It's not the best job, but it helps pay tuition. I finally force myself to get out of bed and head to the bathroom.

After I got ready and put on my work clothes I head to the kitchen. Margot was up already by herself as always. She is a morning person unlike me.

"Morning sunshine," Margot said to me in the monotone way she always spoke in.

"Morning,"I said blandly. "Hey i'm heading to work see ya later."

"See you later."

I worked my shift at Walter's like I did almost every day. The good thing was I didn't have classes. Walter's isn't very busy on Saturdays because students are usually out doing fun things, so that was a plus. I was pretty good at being a waitress. The day seemed to go by slowly. I'm not very good friends with anyone who works here so it's not like I can carry on conversations to make the day go by.

As I was getting ready for my shift to end at the restaurant I wondered again "why am I here? I hate it here." I did the same thing everyday. I was washing tables when Adam crossed my mind again. He is probably having a wonderful life he has always wanted.

I finally finished around 9: 00. I headed back towards my dorm to do my homework and get ready for classes on Monday. The same thing I do every night... I got home around 9:30 and Margot was nowhere to be found. She was usually either reading or out partying. She has multiple personalities. Margot drives me crazy a lot of the time but I put up with it.

I went and laid on my bed and finished my homework for Phycology and Literature. I finally finished majority of it around 12:00 pm. My mom called after that discussing the same thing about how it's so great i'm in college, and how happy I should be. Then we fought again about my future. The call lasted a good fourty-five Minutes. Margot still wasn't home which bothered me. She is probably going to show up around 3:00 am with a hot fraternity boy. I fell asleep thinking about who she is bringing home this time.

I was forced awake by a loud noise in the kitchen. I looked at my clock that read 2:46 am. Margot. I got out of bed to see her and a guy tangled up together in the kitchen.

"Margot! Please do that in your room! You do this almost every night for goodness sake!" I yelled at her. I felt like I was taking my frustration I have for my parents and putting it on Margot. I'm so tired of her doing this all the time though.

" you know what Claire? You're just jealous that I know how to have fun!" Margot said finally getting of the guys lap.

"I know how to have fun!"

"You do not! You always go through the same motions everyday, and you hate it here! I don't know why. If you hate it here so much why don't you leave." I could smell the alcohol on her breath.

"Shut you're mouth! I'm so tired of cleaning up your mess! You always come home late drunk with some man on your hip! You don't know what you're saying."

"I'm not that drunk. You know what i'm saying is true. You're too afraid of your parents to do anything for yourself! You don't know how to go out and have a good time because you hate it here. You're a stuck up bitch who doesn't know how to have fun. You should just leave because honestly your attitude always puts me down."

"Fine. I think I will leave!" I ran to my room, packed a few Essential items, and ran to my truck. I jumped into my old pickup I got from my grandpa. My truck wasn't the best but it could get me far away. All I could think about was finally freedom.

What was I doing? I can't run away. I kept talking myself in and out of it. I finally decided to go for it. I drove for an hour before I stopped for gas. I used the debit card my parents gave me. If only they knew what I was using it for right now. I knew they we're going to be so angry with me. After I pumped gas in my truck I went inside the convince store to buy some snacks for the road. I knew I wanted to go somewhere far from here so I thought of places to go. Then I saw a map of America. I automatically picked it up. I stood in line at the store to get my things, and that is where I saw him.

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