clarisse, please go die in a hole

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percy looked over at clarisse. she had three other girls behind her.

"Clarisse," I sighed boredly. "Why don't you go polish your spear or something?"

"Sure, miss princess," said Clarisse with the same bored tone. "So i can run you through with it Friday night."

"Errete es korakas," I said. It meant go to the crows, go to the dogs, basically go to Tartarus.

"You don't stand a chance." And she didn't. Athena's team would win. We always did.

"We'll pulverize you," said Clarisse, her eye twitching. I was about to make fun of her for that but she turned to Percy and asked "Who's this little runt?"

"Percy Jackson," I introduced. I was kinda getting sick of saying his name over and over. "meet Clarisse, daughter of Ares."

Percy blinked. "Like....the war god?"

I mentally face palmed. Of course the war god, Percy!

"you got a problem with that?" sneered Clarisse.

"no," said percy, recovering. "it explains the bad smell."

wow. five points to percy! i would've cracked up right then and there, but I didn't.

"We got an initiation ceremony for newbies, Prissy." Clarisse growled.

If she was trying to be menacing, it didn't work.

"Percy," corrected Percy with no fear at all.

"Whatever. Come on, I'll show you."
"Clarisse-" I intervened.
"Stay out of it, wise girl."

I went silent. Maybe this was a moment to see who Percy's dad was.

He handed me his Minotaur hornand got ready to fight.

It was embarrassing. Clarisse had Percy by the neck in seconds.

She started dragging him towards the girls' bathroom. I could see Percy struggling to get out of Clarisse's iron grip but no luck.

I followed them.

Her goons were all laughing stupidly as Clarisse said, "Like he's Big Three material. Yeah right. Minotaur probably fell ofer laughing, he was so stupid looking."

I covered my eyes, watching through my fingers as he was dragged to the toilet bowl helplessly.

Clarisse bent him over on his knees and started pushing his head into the toilet bowl.

Percy was straining to keep his head up, but with Clarisse's strength, he had no chance of getting out.

Then something happened. The plumbing rumbled and the pipes around the bathroom shuddered. Clarisse's grip loosened on Percy.

Water made an arc straight over his head, curving up into Clarisse's face.

How did that happen? I did calculations in my head. That shouldn't be possible.

Percy turned around, eyes wide. Water blasted out again, hitting Clarisse straight in the face. The force of the water pushed her onto her butt. The water stayed on her like a fire hose and pushed her into a shower stall.

She struggled, gasping for air and her half-siblings started heading towards her. Then the other toilets exploded too, blasting them all with toilet water. Next was the showers, and they sprayed the Ares kids right out of the bathroom.

What. just. happened. I was dripping wet. I stared at Percy.

Clarisse would hate him now. They would be enemies until she cooled off, so probably until never.

Percy was sitting in the only dry spot in the whole bathroom. He didn't have a single drop of water on him.

He stood up shakily, a mix of disbelief and surprise on his face.

"How-How did you..." He definitely caused this.

"I don't know," said Percy. he's telling the truth.

we walked out of the bathroom.

clarisse and her friends were sprawled in mud, and a bunch of other campers were gawking. their camouflage jackets were sopping wet and they smelled like sewage.

she gave percy a look of absolute hatred as she said, "You are dead, new boy. You are totally dead."

percy got the snark out again. "You want to gargle with toilet water again Clarisse? Close your mouth."

Her friends had to drag her back to cabin five. everyone cleared a path to avoid her flailing feet.

i stared at percy, my mind coming up with another brilliant plan.

percy would distract. we would attack. perfect and simple. i could work out the details later.

"What?" demanded Percy. "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking..." I answered, "that I want you on my team for capture the flag."

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