Chapter 6: Darkness

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NOTE: Just in case you don't know, this story is sub part of TBATE: TRUE GOD. You can check it out in my profile.


Caera has grown remarkably in the past two years, far surpassing my expectations. Yesterday's bestowal was proof of that-she received an unusual Regalia, or so I believe. Regalia is the highest form of the rune in the Alacryan mana system. To obtain such a powerful rune at the tender age of eight is nearly unheard of. If word of this gets out, it could cause a significant uproar, one that would draw unwanted attention from all corners of Alacrya.

Hiding her further, as I've done in the past, is no longer an option. The more we try to conceal her abilities, the more suspicious it will become. Instead, I've devised a different plan: to put her in just enough attention that no one will question her presence or her abilities. Hiding in plain sight, as they say, is often the best approach.

As I contemplated this plan's details, a knock sounded at the door. I turned as Nessa stepped in, her expression calm as always.

"Has Caera awoken yet?" I asked, my voice even as I turned to face Nessa.

"Yes, Scythe Seris," Nessa replied with her usual composure. "She woke up not long ago, but she's still exhausted and has gone back to sleep."

I nodded, processing the information. The burden of receiving a Regalia at such a young age was immense; it was only natural that she would need time to recover. "And the rune instillers?" I inquired, my tone turning sharper.

"They have been disposed of, as per your instructions," Nessa answered without hesitation.

I let out a small sigh of relief. The secrecy surrounding Caera's abilities was paramount, and any potential leaks had to be silenced. The fewer who knew of her capabilities, the better, especially in these uncertain times.

Nessa's loyalty and efficiency had never been in question. Her abilities, especially her affinity with sound-based Regalia, made her an invaluable asset-one I relied on heavily in situations like these. Her lack of Vitra blood, while it had excluded her from certain privileges, also allowed her to operate in the shadows without drawing too much attention.

"Good," I said, my tone calm but firm. "We can't afford any loose ends."

Nessa nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Is there anything else you require, Scythe Seris?"

I paused, thinking about the next steps. "Yes, make sure Caera rests and doesn't strain herself. We need her at her best for what's to come."

Nessa acknowledged my orders with a slight bow before leaving the room, her presence as quiet and unobtrusive as ever. I returned to my thoughts, planning the next moves carefully. The coming days would be crucial, not just for Caera, but for the future we were preparing her for.



Darkness. That was the only word that came to my mind.

I felt like I was floating in a place where light had never existed. I could feel my body-my arms-my legs, even my heartbeat-but I couldn't see anything. The world around me was an endless void, suffocating in its silence and emptiness.

Fear gripped me, and I tried calling out for help. "Mama! Nessa! Cylrit!" I screamed their names, hoping, praying, that someone would answer. But the sound that left my mouth seemed to vanish into the void, swallowed by the darkness without a trace.

It felt like I was trapped here for an eternity, yet it was also just a fleeting moment. The sensation of time was twisted and distorted. I was alone, utterly alone, in this place that seemed to defy reality.

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