Chapter 8: Brothers

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The mansion seemed even larger as we moved further away from the sitting room, the endless hallways and intricate decor doing little to calm my anxiety. The attendant led me through a series of doorways before stopping in front of a large, ornate door.

"Your brothers are inside, young lady," the attendant said with a polite bow, stepping aside to let me enter.

I stood there for a moment, hesitating. Taking a deep breath, I pushed the door open.

Inside, the room was filled with lively energy. Two boys were sparring with wooden practice swords, their movements quick and precise as they circled each other, the sound of wood clashing echoing around the spacious chamber.

The first boy, with olive hair, green eyes and striking features reminiscent of their father Corbett, appeared to be around a year or two older than me. His expression was focused, yet there was an air of ease in the way he moved.

The older one, likely five or six years older than me, inherited his mother Lenora's brilliant white hair, striking blue eyes, and pale skin

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The older one, likely five or six years older than me, inherited his mother Lenora's brilliant white hair, striking blue eyes, and pale skin. He stood tall, his presence commanding, but there was a playful smile on his face as he traded blows with his brother.

 He stood tall, his presence commanding, but there was a playful smile on his face as he traded blows with his brother

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For a moment, I just watched, taking in the scene. These boys—my new brothers—seemed so comfortable in their surroundings, and I wondered how I would fit into this new family.

When they finally noticed me standing at the doorway, they paused mid-spar, both of them turning their attention toward me. Unsure of what to do, I raised my hand awkwardly and stammered, "H-Hi."

The younger boy, with olive hair and green eyes, immediately shifted into a defensive stance, pointing his practice sword at me. "Who are you?! How did you get in here?"

"Um..." I hesitated, unsure of how to explain. Surely their parents would have told them about me, right? I glanced around, hoping the attendant who brought me would explain, but she had already left.

Before I could respond, the older boy smacked the back of his younger brother's head. "Put your sword down, idiot."

The younger one looked at him, confused. "Why? She's a stranger! She could be an intruder!"

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