Chapter 7. What happened?

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Nick's POV

It has been of no use, trying to recall exactly what happened. Everytime my mind plays tricks on me. First it's Lexie, then it's Samantha and when I try again the rolls are reversed. I'm going crazy.

Ever since I got home I isolated myself and tried to figure out what went down on friday night. It's now sunday afternoon and it's killing me to be so confused.

Time to take action. Only one way to find out the truth...

I stalk in high speed to Emmets room and barge in. "I need to know what happened..." But when I look around no one is there. I just see a duffelbag on the side of the bed. It's even like she didn't touch anything other then the bed.

Looks like she is not planning on staying long. Good.

Okay, maybe downstairs...

When walking down the stairs I hear my mom and Samantha's mother talking. What was her name again?

"It's complete fine to not have everything sorted out once in a while, Desiree, even at our age.. You can't expect that from yourself." My mom says.

Ahh that's her name, thanks mom.. I walk around the corner and greet them with a simple "Hi". Not stopping to find my way to the kitchen.

I pull the fridge open and take out a bottle of coke which I set on the counter. I pull open a cabinet to find a glass and pour myself a nice glass of cold coke.

My moms joins me in the kitchen. "Can I have a word with you?" She says while closing the fridge and the cabinet I just opened. "I know, I know, I'm sorry. I was definitely going to close it after I was done pouring my coke. I will watch it next time."

"No, no, not about that. You're just as hopeless as Emmeret on this one. I blame your father for that." She waves her hand as if to say 'lost cause'. "No, I wanted to ask you to take Samantha somewhat under your wing."

I almost choke on my coke and start coughing. My eyes prickling with tears from the sparkles that came up my nose. After coughing a bit more and pinching my eyes to ease the prickle, I look at her with wide eyes.

"You don't have to befriend her. Just be kind to her and walk with her to school and stuff. You know, so she won't feel so alone..." My mom adds, clearly seeing my hesitation. "Uh..."

"Please... She has been sitting out back all by her self the whole weekend. I think she could use a friendly face." She says as she walks up to me and puts her hand on my cheeck. "Please..." She pleads again and I sigh. "Okay" I need to speak with her anyway.

"Thank you!" She says, giving me a kiss on my cheeck before walking back to Desiree.

At least I know where Samantha is now... Out back.

I take my glass and the opened bottle and walk out back. There she is sitting on a chair, minding her own business, scrolling through her phone.

I place the opened bottle on the table next to her. "Want some?" As I sit down I take a moment to look at her. She looks fine. No sign of sadness, sleepless nights or tears from heartbreak.

"No thanks, I'm fine". She says with a quick glance at the bottle I just put down. "Are you though? Fine, I mean?" I ask.

"Yeah, it was a long time coming. I actually encouraged my mom to leave him. He is not my real dad and he doesn't make my mom happy, so why still be with him?" She says while still submerged in her phone.

I humm as if to say I understand, but in reality I couldn't care less.

"The only thing that's bugging me, is that my mom is super weak for him. She gives him everything he asks for, leaving us with the pieces to put back together."

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