Chapter 2

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Kael wore a black cloak, his sword strapped to his side, and a bag slung over his shoulder. He took one last glance at the kingdom of Nythoria, knowing time was slipping away. He needed to make his move before it was too late. This time, he was determined to catch the culprit behind the kingdom's threat.

He pulled the hood of his cloak over his head and began to walk away. Each step marked the start of an adventure-for the kingdom, for its safety, and for its peace. As he walked, Kael remembered the second and final favor he had asked of His Majesty, the King.

Kael had knelt before the King of Nythoria, bowing so low that his forehead touched the ground. "Greetings, Your Majesty. May your reign be long and prosperous."

"At ease," King William replied.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"What brings you here at this late hour?" King William asked.

Kael bit his lip, gathering his courage before meeting the King's gaze. "I have come to ask another favor, Your Majesty."

King William raised an eyebrow. "I see. Speak."

"I... I wish to embark on a journey," Kael stated, causing the King to rise from his seat in shock and anger.

"What!? What about the prophecy? The kingdom?"

"This, too, is connected to the Priestess of Nythoria's last reading, Your Majesty," Kael explained. The King's fury subsided, and he slowly sat down again, rubbing his temples.

"I see..."

"When are you planning to leave?" King William asked.

"I would like to depart tomorrow before sunrise, Your Majesty," Kael replied.

King William stood up. "Then, I shall grant you your wish."

Kael bowed his head once more. "Thank you, Your Majesty."

"You may rise, Kael."

Kael rose to his feet, placing his hand over his heart as he made a solemn vow. "I swear, on my honor and by the blood that flows through my veins, I will bring peace and safety to the kingdom. I will protect you, Your Majesty, and Her Highness, even if it costs me my life. The threats that loom over Nythoria will be vanquished, and when I return, it will be to see our kingdom's freedom and peace restored to its rightful glory."

As Kael was walking, he sensed something was wrong, as if someone was following him. He grew wary and prepared to confront whoever was behind him. Using his power, he cast a spell, vanishing and melding with the darkness of the forest.

"H-Huh? Where did he go...!?"

The moment Kael saw the person drop their guard, he seized the opportunity to strike.

"Who are you...!?"

Kael was stunned as the hood of the cloak fell, revealing Princess Elara's face, her eyes wide with shock.

"Your Highness!?" He immediately released the Princess.

Shoot! Why is she here!? Oh no! No! No! This can't be happening! Kael began to panic as he faced the Princess.

Meanwhile, back at the castle, the lady-in-waiting and a maidservant entered the Princess's chamber to wake her for her morning bath, only to find the room empty. Panic set in as they realized the Princess was nowhere to be found.

At the same time, the King of Nythoria was furious, his grip tightening around a letter.

"This is unacceptable!"

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