First Words

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- I know y'all wanted some more adult maleficent and hades with baby Mal, Well your wish is my command!

- Mal is now 1 years old and there in the isle of the lost, And in my AU, hades doesn't leave maleficent and Mal and maleficent doesn't pressure Mal into being like her if y'all read the description in the chap "happy villain family" for more info

- Also had to do some research on what age babies say their first word to know before making this sooo, yea...let's get started!!

- Also warning; Swear words(only a little tho, Sorry mom)


In the Isle of the lost, where the all the villains were banished to by the orders by the king, Beast, in order to protect Auradon.

In the home of the Mistress of all evil and God Of the underworld, with their baby, Mal, Maleficent was in the living, with her carrying Mal in her arms who was giggling while reading a book as her daughter was trying to get her attention by giggling and clapping her hands making herother chuckle and looked at her

"Yes my little dragon?" The dark fae asked her daughter who just giggled, stating she wants her attention making the mistress shake her head

"You are just like your father, aren't you? Always bothering me just to get my attention." She chuckled and put her book away and bopped her daughters nose making her laugh as her husband came in the room, just in time to hear what his wife just said to their daughter

"Why you wound me, my dear..." The god said in a mock hurt tone and sat next to his wife and daughter putting his arms around them as The Mistress rolled her eyes and the baby giggled

"Oh shut it Hades" The mistress laughed and rested her head on her husband's shoulder while stocking mal's hair while she giggled and leaned to her mother's embrace making hades smile at the view of the two most precious girls in his life

Mal then came to move her mouth and making sounds making her parents look at her as her mother chuckled "Well someone wants more attention." She chuckled looking at her daughter

"Mmmh- maaa, Hmmm." Baby Mal made those noises making her parents confused and looked at her

"What is she saying?" The god asked his wife

"Like I know, not like she knows how to talk yet." The mistress answered her husband as it clicked them

"Is she finally gonna say her first word?" The god said in shook and excitement looking at his daughter

"I-i think she is!" His wife answered as they looked at their daughter who continued to make those noises "c'mon my little dragon! Say mama! Ma-ma!" The mistress encouraged her baby girl making her husband laugh and waited for what his daughter is gonna say

"Mhhh- mmmm-." The little one babbled making her parents laugh as they waited for her to say her first words

"Ffffmm, Fuck!" She giggled as both her parents froze and stunned by her word

"What did she just say?" The god said, Dumbfolded at his daughter's words "You heard what she said..." His wife answered

Both of them were confused and shook at their daughter's first word, They didn't expect it to be a swear word, in fact they've been avoiding saying swear words in front her

They then realized if it wasn't them who were saying those things to Mal, then it's someone else

"Who watched her last weekend?" Hades asked his wife since both him and Maleficent were out last weekend for their anniversary date

"Uliana, hook and Morgie..." She answered, still looking shook and stunned at her giggling baby girl

"They're so dead the next time I see them." The god said, in annoyance as Mal giggled even more, oblivious to what's happening right now

"Awww...I can't stay mad at my baby..." Maleficent said and kissed Mal's forehead making her giggle from her mother's affection as the god of death laughed softly and wrapped his arms around his girls

The mistress of all evil rested her daughter on her chest as they all cuddled and the little baby Mal slowly falling asleep in her mother's arms and chest

"We're still gonna kill the gang the next time they babysit Mal." The mistress said calmly while stoking her daughters hair

"Damn right we are." The god said back to his wife, But for now, they just wanted to enjoy their family moment and cuddle with their daughter


So question y'all...since most chapters are all happy and cutesy here...Who wants angst in the next chapter?!ヾ⁠(⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠*⁠)⁠ノ If this gets to 10 votes, Angst chapter!! See you there! ♪⁠~⁠(⁠´⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠)

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