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- This was requested by hunterartemis777 , also if you don't know her, go check out her stories, There amazing!

- So the background is Abit the same from the previous chapter "A Happy Villain Family"

- But this time maleficent finds out she's pregnant, the gang knows expect hades and similar to the last chapter, They're still friends with the gang and maleficent isn't apart of a group with Jafar, evil queen, and Cruella

- also in this AU, Hades doesn't leave maleficent and Mal and the rest is explained in the last chapter so I suggest to read that first, it's called "A happy villain family"


In the morning, The god of the underworld, Hades, woke up to his wife throwing up again, This was the 5th time this month, it had been going on for awhile now to the fact he was getting more and more worried as the days passed

He got up from bed as he went towards her while stoking her back up and down to help her throw up better, After she was done, she was breathing heavily and leaned against his chest as he looked at her concerned

"Darling, I think it's time to go see a doctor, this has been happening way too much now." He told his wife as she looked at him and wiped her mouth

"'s okay dear, it's probably just an illness." The mistress of evil told her husband as he looked at her concerned, Oh if only he knew what was the reason for this but she stayed quiet because she wanted to tell him in their anniversary which was tomorrow now

"Are you sure? I'm getting worried"." The god told his wife as she nodded with a reassuring smile "If you say so..." He said as they stood up and he went to go change for the day as she chuckled softly the minute he left

Oh how badly she wanted to tell him but she knew she had to wait since she wanted it to be special as she placed her hand on her stomach

"Don't worry little one, Daddy will know soon..." She said softly while looking down on her stomach as she went to brushed her teeth to get rid of the disgusting taste and went to go change into her clothes

The couple then went to eat breakfast, Hades was still worried for his wife's well being, even tho she told him she was fine he couldn't help but still worry

They went on with their day as The god of death went to visit Hook and Morgie(Btw, they're also married and harry is 2 years old) at their house as Morgie opened the door

"Hey hades! Come in." He said as he moved aside to let hades in and saw hook chasing his two year old son, harry, who has his..well hook, in his hand while laughing and running away from his dad

"Get back here you little rascal!" The brown haired boy yelled out as he continued to chase his son around the house as Morgie laughed

"Do I wanna know?" The god asked the dark blonde boy as he shook his head

"Trust me, you don't." He laughed as he closed the door and gestured hades to sit down on the couch as they both sat down

"So what did you want to ask about?" He asked the god curiously and raised his eyebrow as he took a deep breath

"Do you think you can help me with something?" He asked as Morgie nodded and he continued to speak to him "Notice anything weird about maleficent lately?" He asked as the dark blonde hair boy froze and thought about his words

"N-no...not that I'm aware of..." He said with a laugh, a nervous one, He was one of the few people who knew what was wrong with maleficent, How you ask? Because both him and hook were the first ones maleficent told about when she first found out and hades raised his eyebrow at him

"You sure?" He asked as Morgie nodded nervously as hook came in the room, carrying harry in one of his arm while he was laughing and his hook back in his hand

"Hey ay lass, what got you here?" He asked as Morgie took harry in his arms as he asked the same question he asked Morgie as he froze

"Maybe she's just sick lass..." He laughed nervously too as hades looked at him annoyed, he's been friends with them since high school so he knows them very well...

"You two are hiding something....Say it." He said to them annoyed as the married couple looked at each other and gulped, they knew if they told hades, Maleficent would kill them and no one is more scary then maleficent, She beats their fear of hades burning someone to a crisp but they knew he wouldn't let it go

"Well..." Morgie said as both him and his husband sighed


At night, Maleficent was making dinner in the kitchen as the door opened and she saw it was her husband, who looked...very happy?

"Welcome back, dear-." She was cut off when hades carried her and spun her around in happiness and kissed her cheek repeatedly as she chuckled "whoa..whoa..what's all this?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to give you some love." He replied to his wife happily "Why don't you go rest? I'll make dinner." He said as she raised her eyebrow

"Are you sure? You just got home-." Before the mistress of evil can finish her sentence, her husband was already bringing her to the couch and sat her down

"Just relax baby, I'll make dinner." He smiled at her and went to cook as she became confused...then it clicked as she sighed knowing her husband already knew

"I'm so gonna kill those two." She muttered in her breath annoyed, knowing it was hook and Morgie who told hades but again, She knew he forced them to spit it out so maybe a simple hit on the head would just do if she saw those two

At night when they were getting ready for bed, The mistress of evil was throwing up again as her husband was stoking her back to help her throw up with a small smile, After she was done, she leaned against his chest, breathing heavily as she looked at him

"You know, don't ya?" She asked while breathing heavily from throwing up as he chuckled and nodded

"Yea...I wanted to hide the fact that I knew until tomorrow..." The god told his wife as he stoked her stomach as she chuckled

"Are you happy with it?" She asked as he laughed softly

"Ofc I am...I'm gonna have a family with the love of my life." He smiled as she chuckled as they shared a quick kiss, he helped her get up and as they went to bed and cuddled

"Hey hades..." She whispered to her husband as he looked down at her

"Yes Mallie?" He asked and raised his eyebrow while stoking her stomach

"I love you..." She whispered softly at him as he smiled

"I love you too...and our baby..." He kissed her forehead as she giggled and they both went off to sleep with hades' arm around her as if to protect her and their unborn baby


If this gets too 10 or more votes...Imma make a chapter where maleficent's water broke and giving birth to baby mal ;) Also thank you so much for 1.3k reads! This means so much to me!! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)

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