Chapter 3

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Crookedclover, the medicine cat passed away..and Marshpaw became Marshplant she knew the medicine duty and herbs from Crookedclover, she steps on the Medicine rock and says "MEETING!" Bloomfur and Fourstar stood with Marshpaw spoke up "I the medicine apprentice,  have became a medicine cat, Marshplant!"
Warriors and apprentices cheered!
Fourstar spoke "Silence! Marshplant, do you promise to take care of your Clan and heal the injuries keeping them healthy?"
Marshplant meowed "I will!"
Fourstar said "Then i call you the medicine cat, Marshplant" Her tail swayed
Marshplant stood with proudness of herself she stood there with moss and herbs..she mumbled to herself, looking at her paws "Crookedclover, i'll make you PROUD!"
Fourstar said "Marshplant, you may now go to the medicine den, i'll go at the hunting grounds.
Marshplant nods as she smiled at Fourstar
Fourstar goes to the hunting grounds and looks at the warriors, apprentices and kits playing an having fun, Fourstar never had that. Her sharp yellow eyes look at her paw
A warrior, Lightheart came to Fourstar and says quietly "Fourstar, you don't seem ok"
Fourstar replys "I'm not okay, Lightheart!" She raised her voice
Lightheart flinched at Fourstar's tone
Fourstar says "Hey..i'm sorry i just never had a good kitship, apprenticeship and warriorship.."
Lightheart said "i know.."

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