Chapter 2

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The sun was just peeking over the horizon when Meadowpelt crept into the MistClan camp. The air was cold and crisp, and a heavy mist blanketed the trees surrounding the camp. But Meadowpelt's breath was even colder as she made her way through the camp, her eyes focused and her steps deliberate.  
She paused beside a sleeping warrior, casting a critical eye over his sleeping form. The warrior's chest rose and fell steadily, and his face was peaceful. But Meadowpelt's thoughts were far from peaceful.
Meadowpelt's gaze lingered on the sleeping warrior for a moment longer before she continued on her way. She darted past another sleeping warrior, careful not to wake them. Her mind was fully focused on her task. As she approached the leader's den, the mist seemed to thicken around her, as if protecting her from the eyes of other cats. 
Finally, she reached the leader's den and gently pushed her way inside.
The den was dark and quiet, illuminated only by a sliver of moonlight streaming in through a crack in the roof. Leftstar was asleep in his nest, his eyes closed and his breath steady. But Meadowpelt's gaze was fixed on his sleeping form, her thoughts racing..Meadowpelt's heart skipped a beat, but her expression remained cold and calm. "Just checking on our Leader," she said, with a casual shrug. 
The warrior's eyes narrowed further. "At this time of night? Why?" he asked.
Meadowpelt's heart pounded in her chest as the warrior's words echoed in the silence. She had hoped to keep her intentions hidden, but the surprise encounter had forced her hand. 
With a snarl, she launched herself at the warrior, claws extended and teeth bared. He let out a yelp of surprise as she tackled him to the ground.
The two cats struggled for a moment, clawed and biting at each other. But Meadowpelt was stronger and more determined. Within moments, she had gained the upper hand, pinning the warrior to the ground. Meadowpelt could feel the warrior's heart racing beneath her as she crouched over him, her claws digging into his pelt. His eyes were wide with terror, and his breath came in ragged gasps. 
But Meadowpelt's face was set in a grim smile. She could feel the power coursing through her veins as she held him down, knowing that she had the upper hand. Meadowpelt could feel the warrior's heart racing beneath her as she crouched over him, her claws digging into his pelt. His eyes were wide with terror, and his breath came in ragged gasps. 
But Meadowpelt's face was set in a grim smile. She could feel the power coursing through her veins as she held him down, knowing that she had the upper hand.
"Why are you doing this?" the warrior gasped, struggling to free himself from Meadowpelt's grip. "We're clanmates! We're supposed to be on the same side!""You should have minded your own business," she hissed, her eyes flashing. "Now you're going to pay the price for sticking your nose where it doesn't belong." The warrior's struggles began to weaken as he realized the futility of his situation. He let out a panicked whine, his eyes pleading for mercy. The warrior struggled weakly beneath her, but Meadowpelt's grip was too strong. She bared her teeth, ready to bring the killing blow. The warrior struggled weakly beneath her, but Meadowpelt's grip was too strong. She bared her teeth, ready to bring the killing blow."Any last words?" she asked, her voice cruel and cold.The warrior tried to speak, but his voice came out as a strangled gasp. He stared up at her helplessly, his eyes begging for mercy. But Meadowpelt's eyes were cold and hard, and there was no mercy to be found in her heart."That's what I thought," she sneered, her voice dripping with contempt.She raised her paw, claws poised to strike.

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