😈🍋🟩Devil May Love - Lucifer x Dean's Daughter!Reader

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*Y/n: A 19-year-old daughter of Dean Winchester. She wears flannels, band t-shirts, ripped jeans, and boots. She has long brown hair and green eyes like her father, is 5'5" tall, and is a hunter herself.*

Lucifer was in the woods when he heard the Winchester Brothers in the distance. He quietly made his way toward the sounds and took cover behind a tree. From there, he observed the Winchester Brothers and Castiel teaching Dean's 19-year-old daughter fighting techniques for hunting.

Y/n is wearing a Metallica t-shirt that was cut into a muscle shirt, showing her lacey black bra on the sides with a pair of ripped blue jeans and black boots. Her hair was up in a ponytail and she was moving around with a sword. She was learning fighting techniques from her uncle Sam, uncle Castiel, and her father, Dean.

Dean used his fatherly tone. "You're doing good, kiddo. Just keep your arms up and locked as you swing."

Sam spoke proudly. "That's it, now let's see how you go up against Cas."

Castiel stepped forward and got into a fighting stance. "Come on, Y/n. Let me see what you got."

Y/n stepped forward in a fighting stance and smirked. She held her sword up and was ready to prove she could do this. "Let's go."

Y/N and Castiel practiced, and Y/n used a defensive move to disarm Castiel and swept her feet under his, knocking him down into an arm bar. Castiel fumbled down and was shocked, but also proud of how quickly she learned and took him down.

Dean laughed as Castiel went down. "Damn, that's my girl."

Sam chuckled and smiled proudly. "Nice job, Y/n."

Y/n stood up and helped Castiel up and smiled. "I learned from the best teachers."

Castiel smiled at her. "We are proud of you, Y/n."

Lucifer, in the distance, was watching and was very impressed to see Y/n take down Castiel so easily. He was also attracted to the way she looked. He knew he had to introduce himself to her and get to know her.

Later, Castiel and the Winchester brothers headed back to the bunker, while Y/n stayed behind to practice alone. Y/n was focused on practicing the techniques and moves they had taught her, determined to become as great of a hunter as her father and uncles.

Lucifer took this opportunity to introduce himself, now that she was alone. He emerged from behind the tree and approached her, leaning against a tree a few feet away.

Lucifer smiled as he watched y/n. "Well, aren't you quite the impressive fighter?"

Y/n turned around to see him standing there. She defensively raised her sword. "Who are you?" She spoke in a cold hunter's tone.

Lucifer smirked and raised his hands as a sign to tell her he was not a danger to her. "Calm down. I'm Lucifer Morningstar, and you are, beautiful?"

Y/n's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. "You're Lucifer? As in the devil himself?"

Lucifer smirked even bigger. "Yes, I am. Now, would you care to tell me your name?"

Y/N took a deep breath to calm and collect herself. "I'm Y/n Winchester."

Lucifer grins and looks at Y/n with fascination and something more..."You're quite beautiful for a Winchester, Y/n. If it's not too forward of me, how would you like to go on a date with me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17 ⏰

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