Friendship Amidst Jealousy

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(the last book she got moved up a class. She's the youngest in Harry's class).


I walked with my family in Diagon Alley. Everyone was talking about the Daily Profit. When it finally came out, everyone adored Druella and talked amongst themselves while reading the paper.

I held up a copy of the Daily Prophet, grinning at Fred and George. "Hey, look! The paper finally concluded with the article " Druella moving up to our year!" Fred and George looked up from their work, impressed. "Blimey, she's skipping ahead, isn't she?" Fred said.

I nodded. "Yeah, she used to be in Ginny's year, but now she's in ours. And let's be honest, she's the one of the smartest in our class besides Hermione."

George chuckled. "Yeah, Druella's always been a bit of a bookworm. Maybe she can help us with our homework... or do it for us, period."

I laughed. "Yeah, right. Like she'd ever fall for that. But seriously, it's cool to have her in our year now. She's always been a great friend, I'm glad she will be at the Leakey Cauldron with us. I wonder what the minister wants to discuss with her." George, "On the other hand, we all know there's more to her other than her brains.

Fred "Yes, like her wicked sense of humor." I nodded to them. "And let's not forget how she found out Lockart's secret. She was wearing a mask when she overheard him. She accidentally stepped on a twig. He tried to chase her down." Fred snorted while having a drink. "Blimey, she was having fun with it. She attacked him and ran off. But he found her necklace, finding out it was her."

I laughed at George. "Yes, then she blazened him out. Saying you snitch on me, I snitch on you." I nodded. "And don't forget what he did to her. He was a total fraud, and she's the one who took him down." Fred snorted "in the best way possible by making him forget his memories when he tried to do so with you and Harry." I laughed. "She was behind him when he tried. She hated him." Fred: "Definitely, now we don't have to deal with him anymore."

Ginny's eyes flashed angrily as she snatched the paper from my hand. "Seriously, Black's in the paper? That Slytherin Prodigy thinks she's so much better than everyone else! So perfect, always so talented... it's stupid!"

She then crumpled the paper in her fist, throwing it on the ground, her face reddening further. "And to think she used to be in my year! I remember her, always sneaking around, better than me in potions class. Professor Snape always praised her; she thought she was smarter than everyone else. And now she's in your year, Ron, and making everyone's life miserable with her know-it-all attitude!"

Fred and George exchanged a grin, knowing Ginny was jealous. I tried to say something, but she cut me off and kept going on. "No, Ron, don't you go defending her! You don't know what she's like. She's a snake, just like the rest of the Slytherins. And now she's getting all this attention because she is the heir to the Nobel House of Black... it's just not fair!"

Her voice rose, and she began to pace around the room. "I swear, it's like she's trying to show off! Always so smart, always so perfect... I swear she's hiding something!"

I tried to calm her down, but she was beyond reason. "Ginny, stop. You're being ridiculous. Druella's not like that. You know she's my friend; you are just jealous. She's smart and talented, and she helped Harry save you in the Chamber, remember?"

But Ginny just scoffed. "Save me? Ha! She was trying to get attention and have everyone adore her. Like always. And don't even get me started on her little 'prodigy' act... please, she's just a privileged little brat in disguise!"

Just then, Mum walked over to us with a stern look. "Ginny Weasley, what's going on here?" Ginny scowled, still fuming. "Black's in the paper again, Mum. And Ron's defending her, as usual." Mum's expression turned disapproving. "Ginny, stop. You're being dramatic. Druella's a bright and talented young witch; despite her family, she is making her name. She doesn't deserve your jealousy. Just knock it off." Ginny crossed her arms, pouting. "I'm not jealous, Mum. I don't like her."

Book 2 Druella Black: The Secrets of Azkaban (Daughter of Bellatrix)Where stories live. Discover now