The Bus (Vikklan)

601 17 13

Pairing: Vikklan


The sun was shining just over the horizon as I waited for the bus. It was my first day at my new school so I was extremely nervous, my palms were sweaty and I could feel tiny goosebumps along the back of my neck.

Just don't talk to anyone, I thought, ignore everything but the teacher.

In case you didn't know, I have social anxiety. People don't think much of it, they just don't know how hard it can be to live with. It affects me everyday. It's the reason I probably won't ever talk to the bus driver, sometimes I'll even skip P.E. to avoid asking someone to be my partner in an activity.

When I was in middle school everyone thought I was mute. On the second day of 6th grade I had to be sent to the principal's office because I wouldn't respond to the teacher. Ever since then I've always answered questions the school staff ask me with short, simple answers, it still takes a lot of courage. I haven't attempted to join a normal conversation since grade school.

Here comes the bus, you can do this, just sit towards the back and avoid any kind of contact.

The bus slowed down as it drew near, halting in front of my stop. I shouldered my bag as I started moving up the steps one foot at a time, quickly staring at the ground once I was standing in the isle. I then made my way to the back of the bus, slowly at first, then faster when I spotted people staring at me. Since I wasn't watching where I was going it really surprised me when I ran into someone.

Everyone in the bus started laughing as I collided with the taller person, knocking him over. When I realised that I was laying on top of him I quickly got off. I sat down in the first empty window seat I could find where I curled up into a ball, my head between my knees. Everyone continued laughing for a few minutes as I sat there, hating myself. I just wanted to die right then and there.

"Um, excuse me?" I hid my face with my hands, praying the person wasn't talking to me. Unfortunately they were.

"I'm sorry about that, I wasn't watching where I was going." When he spoke I could hear an accent, it sounded Australian. "My name is Lachlan. What's your name?" I didn't say anything. I was too afraid of what he would think of my accent.

The bus driver yelled for everyone to settle down and put their butts in a seat. When the bus started moving, Lachlan sat down on the seat next to me.

Just my luck... I mentally sighed.

"So... are you new here? I don't think I've seen you before." He asked. I stayed as quiet as possible and held my breath in hopes of calming my nerves.

"Can you at least acknowledge that I'm talking to you?" He sounded really disappointed, like he had his heart set on making a new friend.

How cute...

I used every ounce of courage I had and nodded. "Yes." I mumbled as I sat up and looked at him. His hair was blonde and his eyes were aqua blue, he had on a red sweatshirt and jeans. I found myself blushing as I stared at him, but I quickly turned my head so that he couldn't notice.

"So you do talk." He mumbled. I felt my face turn even redder.

"Yes." I repeated.

"Well what's your name then?" He asked.


"Vikk... That's an interesting name. Is it your full name?"


"Okay Vikk. I don't think I've ever seen you before. Are you new? If so are you excited to go to a new school? Did you move from somewhere far away? Britain maybe?" He acted like he wanted to know everything about me, but I know he was just trying to be nice, nobody has ever wanted to talk to me before, let alone get to know me.

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