Wish Upon A War (NoochZahHutt) Part 2

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Pairing: NoochZahHutt

Part two was requested by @ZamaThePerson

Note: I'm going to make a part three because this took forever to write and it's not even that good and I didn't want to make you guys wait much longer for this part.

I'm gonna be completely honest, I couldn't find a good way to start this.

Oh and if you guys are interested I'm writing a Vikklan book so maybe go check it out. #shamelessplug 😉


His eyes. I couldn't get over them. They're darker than anything I've seen before. Yet they shine like the evening sun. I have looked into his dark brown irises countless times, yet there's always something new about them. I feel like I know them but at the same time they are so unfamiliar.

While wondering how many times I might have to look into Pete's eyes before getting used to seeing them, Pete leans forward and gently taps me on the nose.

"A penny for your thoughts?" He smiled, his hair sticking out at different angles.

"Awe c'mon. My thoughts are worth a lot more than that." I chuckled.

"That's probably 'cause they're so rare." He grinned, "You hardly ever have them."

"Psh. Forget you, I don't have to be here." I sat up and crossed my arms.

"Aww babe don't be like that." Her ran his hand through his hair, messing it up even more.

I held back a grin, "Like what?"

"Don't act like you wish you're somewhere else." He said seriously, wrapping an arm around me, he pulled me closer and gently rested his head on my shoulder. "Just don't."

I stared at my lap, "Okay."

With his free hand he lifted my chin, looking into my eyes, "I love you."

I carefully wrapped my arms around him, "I love you too."

We sat there for a while, with our hearts beating as one and our thoughts trained on nothing more complicated then the soft sounds we'd heard inside this house we were beginning to call ours. It wasn't just some house at spawn anymore.

We've met here countless times in secret and every time we do we don't say goodbye until we've decided when we're going to meet again.

This is also where Pete almost killed Vik. That's how he discovered it in the first place. He won't tell me but I know. .

"You should get going," Pete whispered, "It's getting pretty late." Everything faded out of focus as I took in what he meant.

I shook my head, "Just a few more minutes. Please?"

His chest vibrated as he laughed, "Mat I swear you'll be the end of me."

"Is that a yes?"

"Just for a moment."



"Huh?" I looked up from the enchanting table, upset because I couldn't get freaking fortune three.

Rob stood at the bottom of the acacia spiral staircase, his arms crossed and his expression grim.

I cleared my throat, "What's with the face? Did someone...-"

"No." His eyes told me that this was a lot worse.

"Then what-?"

"We're going to spawn. All of us."

I set down my iron pickaxe, "Geez, could you stop interupting me?"

Rob ignored my comment, "Preston wants to duel to the death. With me."

"Oh." I knew where this was going. Other than Rob, I was the only one who could've known.

"Yeah..." For the first time since the war began, Rob looked scared, but at the same time he's never looked more ready.

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault."

"No, I'm sorry I-" I exhaled, "I'm sorry about lying to you."

His brow furrowed, "What are you talking about?"

"I-I've been seeing someone, from Red team. Pete." I closed my eyes and waited for him to yell or scream. But he didn't, he just laughed.

"I-I already knew that!" He practically fell over laughing.

"What?!" My eyes widened, "How?!"

He calmed down a little before explaining, "I knew you liked him. I helped Choco get you guys together."

"Wait you... Oooohhh. That's why you- I get it now." I laughed.

"Yeah." His expression dulled, "Hey, you know, Red team's gonna be there too."

"At the duel? Yeah, I hope they don't try to attack us."

Rob shook his head, "That's the least of our worries."

"What do you mean?"

"If all of Red team is there they might make other people duel too."

"Like Vik and Lachlan?"

He nodded solemnly, "Or you and Pete."


Part three is on the way. Sorry this part couldn't end on a happy note.

Thanks for reading!


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