Royal Elaphante Extermination

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[Elaphante Queen's room]

"Unbelievable... to think a human can move as fast as that, without making a sound, it's..." The Elaphante Queen thought before looking towards her "throne".

When the Elaphante Queen looked back at Ariel she wasn't there and her following thought was going into her ultimate form.

By the time the Elaphante Queen transformed, she was sent flying across the room.

"Just she got bigger doesn'tmean I can't kill her" Ariel said as she was staring at the Queen.

"Yes I definitely will have her head as a trophy" the Elaphante Queen said.

As soon as the Elaphante Queen stood up she lost balance and fell back down and immediately started to feel pain in her leg but the pain started fading away.

"What- how the hell, I didn't even hear her move" Elaphante Queen said as she watched her leg heal.

The suddenly she felt this unbearable pain on body as she looked down to see what it was a hole the size of a fist was in her stomach but it slowly went away as her body started healing itself.

[Elaphante King's room]

"Thanks for the info but its about time I end this already" Wyatt said as the white cracks on his hand got bigger and bigger.

"What the hell, if you think you can kill me well you must be mistaken" the Elaphante King said as he took a chunk out of the floor and threw it at Wyatt.

"Like I said... I'll hurry up and end this" Wyatt said as watch the Elaphante King back up.

"Arrogant piece of crap" the Elaphante King said before Wyatt was in his face with his fist all white instead of black.

"Goodbye" Wyatt said as he ripped the King's head off with his hands.

"I hate fighting like this" Wyatt said before crushing the Elaphante King's heading.

Shortly after Wyatt's hands stopped glowing, he wiped the blood off with a handkerchief then he dropped it on the corpse and walked away.

[Elaphante Prince's room]

"Although I had to cut my arm off, I don't feel like putting up with these roaches" the Elaphante Prince said before going into his ultimate form.

"Wait... how the hell is he getting bigger" Loyd said as moved back a little.

"So I'll just kill them" the Elaphante Prince said as he looked at Loe.

The Elaphante Prince started running towards Loe.

"HEY! LOE! MOOOOOVE!! " Loud yelled out to Loe.

But Loe was to scared to even move an inch away from the Elaphante Prince, Loyd started running towards Elaphante Prince as he slit his hand with a knife and clenched his fist running as he can.

By the time he caught up to the Elaphante Prince it was already standing in front of Loe.

Loyd placed his bloody palm on the Elaphante Prince's arm.

"What the hell do you want, your next just wait" the Elaphante Prince said as he punched him out of the room.

"What the hell" Wyatt said when he saw Loyd on the floor as he left the room.

He started running towards Loyd but then a shadow started getting closer to Loyd.

"What the fuck" Wyatt said as he saw the Elaphante Prince come out of the room.

Wyatt's hand started turning white as he got to the right hallway he grabbed a small chunk out of the wall and crushed it into small rocks.

"Not enough time for it to disappear" Wyatt said as he looked at his hands.

"It's your turn now. Human" the Elaphante Prince said as he lifted up his leg.

"Hey big man! over here!" Wyatt said as he threw the small rocks at the Elaphante Prince.

The small rocks hit the Elaphante Prince's leg with the strength of a bullet but it turned to dust as soon as it hit him.

"Hmm, who the hell is--" the Elaphante Prince was only able to say those words before Wyatt took the Elaphante Prince's head off his shoulders and tossed it away.

"Looks like he's still alive... wait where's Loe" Wyatt said before he looked in the room.

When he looked he saw the lower half of a body still standing with blood on the floor surrounding.

Weeing this Wyatt just closed the door and took Loyd to the Palace front door.

[Elaphante Princess's room]

"What the hell I can't move my body" the Elaphante Princess said to herself as she coughing up blood.

"The poison on the bullets is working" Alya said as she switched her mags.

Alya started shot four more bullets at the Elaphante Princess breaking her arms and legs off.

"I doubt the poison will hold for much longer so we should finish this" Kana said as she took a deep breath.

Alya quickly moved back while covering her ear.

"..." Kana was oddly quiet.

"Wait where's the Elaphante Princess body" Alya said before quickly turned around to Kana.

When Alya turned all she saw was Elaphante Princess taking a bite out of Kana's neck and quickly quickly running towards Alya.

Alya just started shooting bullets but wasn't able to hit a shot due to the Elaphante Princess dodging them all.

Alya's two pistols quickly switched to two knifes but before she was able to use them the Elaphante Princess punched a hole through her stomach.

"It seems like Father and brother are dead since dont feel their Cursed Energetic pressure anymore and mother's Cursed Energetic pressure is slowly fleeting, so I guess it'll be be best to help her and the go after the remaining humans but it's still a surprise to think that they were killed by humans" the Elaphante Princess thought of while looking at the mess she made in her room as a tear started falling down her face.

[Elaphante Queen's room]

"Finally I killed her" Ariel said as she was walking towards the the room's door.

Ariel heard a noise coming from the door and immediately started backing away from it.

"Damn it, I was too late well I guess I just have to kill you and then the other humans" the Elaphante Princess said as she started running towards Ariel.

"Damn" Ariel said as she jumped over the Elaphante Princess and took her head off.

[Elaphante Royal Family Exterminated]

[Total number of human casualties: 3,682]

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