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A/N: some issue happened that had me lost several chapters for my story 'Lost Legend' and since I didnt want to start over, I'm discontinuing the story and replacing it with a new one, I hope you all understand and enjoy the new story.

"You want me to do what?

"Come on it's not going to be bad."

"Your asking me to hop across worlds to cause chaos."

"Technically speaking you have the right to do as you wish..."

"This is the third time I'm doing this play again."

"The previous ones involve me using the Tyranids and Necrons and now this?"

"They're not that bad if used in the right hands."

"Which is me."

"Exactly! So you in?"

"Only because I get to have fun and don't have to worry about Chaos especially Slaneesh."

"Buddy, we both know that only someone crazy enough would want to have a go with that b*tch of all b*tch*s."

"Agreed, so what era will I have access to?"

"Same as usual from the war in heaven all the way before their fall and to their tech leading up to the 40k era."

"Huh? So practically their entire tech tree, mow that's going to be interesting experience.

"And you sure will cause I left a surprise for you to find out."

"We'll see..."

(Scrapzhat POV)

Scarpzhat was having a good day, he has just won over his rival and claimed his territory giving him more access to more hunting areas for resources.

"Hurry you useless pieces of shit! I didn't waste bullets and fuel claiminh this new lands just to see you all lazing around!" A few examples ought to invigorate them.

He enjoyed being the boss and no one can question his order or it's his trusty Scrapslinger that they get to the head if they did.

Watching his men scurrying as quickly as they can to fulfill his order as they scavenged the former base of his rival now dead and being eaten by the vultures.

"Hmph! Serves that thieving rat no one messes with Scrapzhat." He was the baddest motherf*ck*er in this parts of the wasteland.

He has over a few hundred serving his warband as they hunt for new pray and ensure that the slaves pay their tribute in exchange for protection from him.

Life was good and theres no one that is going to ruin his magnificent reign over his growing empire... until one of his men called out.

"B-Boss! There's a weird glowy thingy below the cliffs!" Now that intrigue him anything wierd ought to be useful for him.

"Show me!" He barked at the slightly malformed lesser before him as he was lead to a strange round glowy thing that's standing in middle of the dessert beneath the cliff they were in.

"And what the fu*k is this?" He asked one of his smart*ss, they were weak but they at least have their brains to compensate for their frailty.

"I-It seems to be some sort of g-gate boss." Gate? But where's the entrance? It looks more like a giant lightbulb than a gate.

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