chapter 1

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The feel of blood dripping down my arm, the anguishing pain coursing through me, the exhaustion of each of my limbs as I struggled to push forward, and the burning of my lungs as I desperately tried to draw in breath.

all of these things would probably drive a person to stop, to give up, to just roll over and succumb to their fate. Even though my life has been nothing but miserable up until now, I still found myself clinging to the frayed and worn threads of my life.

If I stopped running, then the monster behind me would catch up, it would tear me apart before I could even blink. the pain i would feel would be agonizing im sure, it wouldn't be a swift end...I don't want to die like that.

I blinked away tears that stung my eyes and tried to focus on the path ahead. not that there was any path, I was completely lost, isolated deep in the dark forest with no one else around. the only light I had, was the bright full moon shining high above.

coming to a small split in the brush I briefly stopped to look around, looking for something, anything that might help me to escape this hellish nightmare.

a weapon, a hiding place, a shelter, anything!

The heavy panting and thudding footfalls of something approaching from behind forced me back into another full sprint in a completely random direction.

There is no hiding from it while I'm bleeding, there is no escaping this forest, and there is no fighting the beast that hunts me. The only thing I can do to survive is run.

I couldn't keep this up, my body was screaming at me to stop and rest, and as I nearly stumbled and tripped over a rock I found myself starting to lose traction, my steps were becoming sloppy.

shaking my head I pushed myself to keep running. 'not like this! please, not like this!'

seeing something reflecting the moonlight ahead of me, i stopped in my tracks right on the edge of a clearing in the middle of the forest. my eyes widened at the sight before me.

weaved between two large trees was an intricate web that towered over me, Larger than your average house. Fresh dewdrops glistened upon its surface like twinkling stars as the moonlight danced upon its surface. The web was put on display like some sort of art piece, free of any debris or tears from its environment; it was hauntingly beautiful.

But what kind of spider could have created such a massive web?

I didn't have much time to think about it before the creature that was chasing me finally caught up.

I tried to dodge out of the way of its claws as the giant cat beast lunged at me, but my foot caught on a root and I found myself falling as the creature pounced.

It was as if time seemed to slow down as I fell backward and the beast was seconds from landing on me and tearing my throat out.

as my back hit the forest floor, it seemed to dip and give way underneath, my stomach sank as I attempted to look back and grab at anything I could but the only thing my hand managed to grab onto was part of the Giant web. Unfortunately for me, it was unable to hold my weight and tore, so inevitably I found myself falling into a large pit.

The wild cat monster fell in right after me screeching as we both tumbled down a small slope before suddenly free-falling into a dark abyss.


opening my eyes I groaned and blinked a few times. high above me I could see the full moon in the sky, shining brightly, as well as the top of the massive hole I had fallen into.

Where had the hole even come from? there was nothing there beforehand, the ground looked solid!

lifting my hand I tried to touch my face only to find my arm wouldn't move. it was not as if I couldn't feel it, because I most definitely could still clench my fist and flex my muscles as I tried to lift it, it was just stuck– restrained by the cloak I wore.

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