chapter 17

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This was never how I expected my life to turn out…but then again, who would ever expect to be bred by an Arachne and pumped full of eggs?

I cried out in a half moan half groan as I felt another bulge being pushed inside of me. 

Ezrian happily rocked his hips against me as his fingers became entwined with my own. “can you feel them wren? can you feel the eggs sliding down my shaft and entering your body?” he teased.

I bit my lip as another one came, pushing the rest even deeper inside of me as it tried to make its way through. 

I'm not sure how pleasurable it was for Ezrian but he did seem to enjoy pushing my body… perhaps a little too much. 

I can't tell if it's because of his instincts or if it's his personality and personal kinks, but it doesn't matter…

“Your body is squeezing and pulling me in as if it wants more~” Ezrian groaned.

His front leg hooked itself underneath my leg as if trying to hold me closer as he continued to rock his hips and grind into me. 

I felt another egg coming in fast as I clung to the pillows and blankets beneath me like a lifeline. By this point I was sure my belly was twice the size it was before, leaving me feeling heavier and oh so unimaginably full.

“E-ez…” I whined as another one entered my body. I lost count as to how many he put inside of me, there were still at least a few just idly sitting in my core, ready to fall out at any moment and all the eggs he was pushing into me from behind were stuffed tightly inside of me.

he chuckled darkly above me before leaning down to speak in my ear. “Yes little moth?”

“t-too many–” I breathed only to gasp and arch my back as I felt him wiggle around inside of me. 

“to many? but you still have so much room left!” He hugged me and rubbed my bloated belly with one of his free hands. “You can take a few more can't you?”

as if on cue I felt multiple eggs push forward, one after another in rapid succession. I cried out in ecstasy as the feel of them pushed me over the edge once more. 

The pressure from the new wave of eggs  was enough to push the extras in my core, out of my body to make space  for the new arrivals.

had my cervix not stopped them I'm sure the fertilized ones would have been pushed out as well.

A pleased groan of satisfaction from above was my signal to the end of this little excursion as Ezrian stopped back and pulled his ovipositor out of me.

My eyes nearly rolled back at the instant relief I felt with the one thing keeping the eggs inside, now gone. 

More than a handful of the small orbs flowed out of me as I collapsed onto the pillows and blankets that were probably ruined by now. 

“oh my, maybe I did go a bit overboard?” Ezrian mused as he grabbed my cheek to look me over while I drowsily lay in the aftermath of our mating.

I muttered quietly into the pillow beneath me as my body slowly tried to expel the rest of the unwanted obstructions Ez had placed inside of me.

seeing as I was too exhausted to move or do much of anything he hummed and walked away, leaving me with the mess and aftermath. 

Closing my eyes I tried to mentally prepare myself to get up, despite how much I really didn't want to move, lying on the ground covered in fluids and infertile eggs was not ideal.

To my surprise however, Ezrian came back over and turned me onto my back before helping to sit me up. He was quick to remove my clothing and started wiping off any sweat from my brow with a cool wet cloth before making his way down to clean off my entire body.  

He wiped the wet rag down my arms and carefully over each of my fingers, removing any and all grime and sweat that may have stuck to my skin.

I was at a loss as he gently took care of me, thoroughly cleaning me… I had fully expected him to just walk off and leave me to care for myself but instead he chose to stick by me and help.

“What are you doing?” I murmured.

He hummed and looked at me with his head tilted in confusion. “I am caring for you, try to bear with it for just a moment. I know the water is cold…” 

He cleaned between my legs with the wet cloth and I closed my eyes leaning against him as he finished up and tossed the rag away before lifting me up in his arms and cradling me against his chest. 

Now that I think about it. I hadn't felt as icky as I should have after our first coupling, when I woke the next morning. had he cleaned me up then as well?

My chest swelled and I wrapped my arms around Ezrian as he carried me elsewhere. 

He merely cupped the back of my head with one hand and combed his fingers through my hair as we went.

In no time at all we were back in his sleeping chambers.

Careful not to shift me around too much he got comfortable, lying on his side with his legs tucked in as he laid me down in front of him. “There, now you can sleep.” 

His hand continued to comb through my hair as I snuggled up against him for warmth, and he pulled a blanket up over top of me. “Ezrian?” I mumbled tiredly.

“Yes little moth?” he replied.

“Did you do that last time too?” he paused briefly while gazing at me before continuing to comb his fingers through my hair again.

“Of course I did, I'm not a brute. Any man who does not clean up his mess does not deserve the affection of their mate, I would not let you lie there in a filthy heap!”

a small smile made its way on my lips as I closed my eyes and rested against Ezrians chest. “I don't think most human men would care as long as they get laid.”

He scoffed, holding me closer as he openly glared at nothing in particular. “then I suppose it's a good thing that I eat any humans who come across my den. The less unwanted filth in this world, the better.”

“You didn't eat me?”

Ezrians eyes moved back down to me at that comment, with a accusing glare.

With one hand he lifted my chin up to face him as he leaned against his arm. 

“You are not filth wren, you are not unwanted. your life is worth more than a thousand men– the scum that made you feel as though you are worth less than you are, should be ashamed and should not be allowed to even breathe. Just because you are different, it does not mean you are less.” Ezrian declared.

Tears pricked the corners of my eyes as I buried my face in Ezrians chest. 

He sighed as he continued to comb hair with one hand and rubbed my back with another. “you should not be ashamed of who or what you are, you had no choice being born this way, and there is nothing wrong with you…” he assured.

“heed not the words of others and learn to accept what you are wren, become someone others would envy.” 

Ezrian pulled me closer, holding me in his arms comfortingly.

 “believe in yourself, believe that you are enough and one day you will learn to fly.”

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