The Bridge and The Boyfriend.

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Danny's P.O.V

Once again, there I was, on that bridge. The cold air blew against my face, numbing my nose, and making me cry. Sidewalks covered in salt and frost from the cold spring. Traffic was oddly quiet. There was tension laying quietly in the air, waiting for someone to shatter the silence.

I happened to be twelve . It was a Friday. My birthday was in a few days away, but this year wouldn't be a celebration. Instead, I would be locking myself alone in my room, while my parents worked their problems away.

It was a Friday. Three months after the accident. The Friday, that another accident took place. I happened to notice the moodiness and anger illuminating from Daniel that night. Immediately I knew something was wrong. Disobeying my parents, I followed Daniel out of our fresh bought New York Apartment. Not that they would know, they happened to be on vacation that weekend. Something they did every once and a while with each other. It was their special get away... The last one.

That night I followed Daniel to the Brooklyn Bridge. The whole time he had his headphones in, listening to his Scream, Punk, stuff, which I would find hateful later in life.

I stayed distant from Daniel as I followed him to the bridge. He would not had been happy if he knew I followed him. Then again, maybe if I had said something, we would not have had a funeral that next Tuesday.

My lack of contact to Daniel, lead to him standing where Chester had stood, nearly four years later. Being twelve, I knew exactly what could happen if he slipped or jumped. Yet, I stood there, my breath caught in my chest, my heart beating rapidly. Not Daniel, anyone but Daniel. I thought. I need Daniel. Those were my thoughts. I needed him, that was it. I needed him so much, I stood and watched him. I stood, staring in shock and awe, as how cars would drive by, not doing a single thing. It was astounding how no one did anything... Including me. I watched as he let go. First he let go of the railing. He swayed a bit, not falling. Then, as if testing gravity, he leans forward. That was when it hit me. Just like the water hit him.


"Daniel! No!" I tossed myself up my hair immediately falling in my face. I slapped my hands to my face as I looked around, hoping it was just a dream. Hoping that, after four years, Daniel would run into my room, to comfort me. However, it's been four years of disappoint. I ran my hand over my face and whipped off the tears. I ran my hand through my hair and slowly turned over, expecting Chester to be laying next to me sleeping. Unless he was just a dream too.

I turned over, hoping to cuddle close to him, and feel the warmth from his comforting body. That's when I noticed, the bed was warm, but Chester was not in my room. My heart began to race. "Chester?" I said sitting back up. I looked over to my dresser and read the clock. It's noon, that's almost five hours of sleep...Chester had tons of time to...oh god. "Chester?" I said louder and standing up. After no response. I began to freak out. Not worrying about my mother, I yelled Chester's name once more. "Chester?" I yelled. were real I saw you. I felt you. I need you here, you have to be real. I spun around a few times hoping I missed him in my room.

I took a deep breath and ran to my bathroom. Busting the door open I crossed my fingers that Chester was there. "Chess?" I yelled as much as I could.

Behind me, the bedroom door busted open. "Danny? Is everything okay?"

Spinning on my heels, and my hair flinging around, hitting me in the face, I turned around to see Chester. Worry stuck in his face, he stared at me. Quickly I ran to him and threw my arms around him. "Oh my god." I breathed. I shoved my face into his chests. "Chester..." I said quietly.

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