Chapter 1 - the new music teacher

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I just couldn't believe my luck! It was my first day of 9th grade and I was already gonna show up late!?
'Trixie! Eat your breakfast!'my mom shouted from the kitchen dining table
'Im really late today,ill just take this apple instead!' I said as I flung the door open and broke out into a run

My school isn't that far from my home but when I reached my school I was panting like a dog.I hurried off to my classroom ,there I met none other than my ride or die bestie zeke
Zeke was a tall guy who had hair that could never be made to sit a sense he kinda looked like harry potter without the glasses part.....

'Hey yo! Whats up!?' He said with the biggest smile
'Let me guess, you ran to school again!?' He said sounding not so surprised
'Yeah, yeah I did' I said

'Ok! So do u wanna know something cool!?' He asked excitedly
'Mm hmm!' I said still trying to catch my breath
'This year we are gonna have a new music teacher! Isn't that exciting!?' He asked
'Yeah I guess,wonder how long hes gonna take to resign' I said .
In the past 2 years six music teachers applied for the job,worked for a couple months and then resigned. The reason is still unknown of why literally ALL of them resigned and now people were even betting on how much longer a new music teacher would take to resign.

'There have been a couple rumors going around,people are telling that the job is jinxed-' he was cut off as our math teacher , Ms robin entered the class and everyone fe silent

Ms robin was a redhead,her hair was always neatly put up in a bun,she wore spectacles and was very young and good looking. But most of a she was the kindest teacher I had ever met
'Ok! Everyone has settled down in their seats!as it is the first day of school we won't be going to the chapters yet so how about we introduce ourselves again!?' She asked as she gave a soft smile and she continued.
'Ok class! I am julia robin.I will be your class room and your math teacher.I see some of my old students and I see some new and bright faces too so how about you introduce yourselves!?'she asked as she gave michael (a classmate of mine) an encouraging smile.
And after a while when we were done introducing ourselves the bell rang and we were out of the class.
After a couple of boring geography and economy classes we had our lunch break

'I wanna go home already!' Said zeke as we sat down at the lunch table
'Wait really?.Im sure that our next period is music!' I said as I looked at him grinning broadly
' ok maybe today won't be as bad then!' Zeke said as he started eating.soon the be rang and we were off to class again.

When we reached the music room we were shocked to see that it was not decorated to welcome the new teacher but to welcome the students!

As zeke and I sat in the best seats that we could possibly find I noticed something strange, there was a glint of light, a kind of metal reflection just beside the bulletin board.when I focused onto it more it looked like a kitchen knife,I could see only the edge which was producing the reflection but I was soo sure it was a knife.
'Hey zeke! I think-'
'Hello kids!' A voice boomed across the was the new music teacher.

He was very tall like really tall.had black hair and he wore a pink shirt with a pair of black jeans. All the girls squealed in excitement but I couldn't get my eyes off the Knife's glint.
'So how are you all? I hope you all have enjoyed your summer break thoroughly.Im Mr daniel and ill be taking music for you all!' He said

But as he turned around I guess he noticed the glint of the knife tok because his eyes widened and he looked around the room to see if anyone was looking straight at him. But all the girls were busy talking bout how good he looked amd all the boys were busy taking about how he was not that good looking. He tried hiding his anxiety with an awkward smile.
'Oh no!why is this bulletin board so tilted' he said as he went up to fix the perfectly set board but it wasn't hard for me to see that he pushed back the edge of the knife back inside

My mind was filled with questions like what was a knife doing behind the board!?
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'Trixie!!!you're watering the plants a bit more than they might require! Stop!' My mum said
'Wha-oh!sorry!'I said as my mom gave me a look which basically said "be in this world"
And I guess all my other classes and my journey back home just went in a blur because a I could think was about the knife
And something about his fake smile and his complete character was just so odd like as if all of it was fake!
My guts screamed inside of me that something about him was very fishy!.

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