chapter 2

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Hi guys welcome to all new readers , please do check my old works .

Vel arranged a meeting in  New spark hotel. Vel knows that TNY company is planning to buy ( tin is dealing with new spark hotels chain .it is fully not changed in the name of TNY company .vel knows that tin will be available. He is spending his time near New spark hotel . Vel follows him on social media using a fake account. ) . Vel wore one of his gray suits .vel reached the venue. Vel and top are in the elevator. Vel's heart stops for a minute when tin climbs the elevator. Tin gives a smile towards vel and top but he gets a blank face . Top gives a smile but he got a judgemental look from vel
Vel : why is he here
Top : he is going to own this hotel , sir
Vel : why did you arrange here ?
Top : sir , you are the one ,planned here
Vel : anyway, let us go to meet
Tin was so sad that after all these years still , vel feels he is an enemy . He did nothing wrong.  Why do vel hate him ? A sense of bitter feeling is always around tin but he leaves it aside and moves on with work . Tin is going on a date with benz today . He is always date omegas . He doesn't feel something right about it . Benz is an alpha  . His majority of dates are not successful . He doesn't know the reason. Vel wants to talk to tin but he cannot . His love for tin and fear of losing him are always balanced. After the meeting Vel booked a room in the hotel . Vel took a picture of Tin from the balcony and he is flexing his muscles.he just wore tank top. Vel was creating issue with the staff saying poor maintenance. They didn't serve him within 10 minutes of call . actually they have promised 5 minutes.he didn't open the door .he want to meet the management .he knows tin will come .
Tin : sir, is there any issue
Vel : don't you know how to manage a hotel .just give it to me and work as my secretary
Tin ordered the staff to leave .
Tin : i know why you are behaving like this .you hate me . Can't you  be kind to the staff .ok you want a refund right . I will refund you or do i need to beg you .
Tin went close to vel. Vel locked Tin between him  and the door .tin is trying to escape from his grip but Suddenly someone pushed the door.tin was on top of the vel. Vel didn't expect this .Tin was getting shy due to the boner of the man below him .he got up quickly .it was top .vel called top in order to deal with the hotel members . Vel is holding the tin's waist so hard . It might have been has always doubted vel's behaviour especially around tin .
Top helped to get up .there is awkward silence in the room .tin left the room .tin taught of forgetting what happened, just now. He checked his waist .it is red .his face also became red .he don't know what is this .he is preparing for his date .tin is not in mood to go for date but he want some refreshment .tin was scared because of the history where vel used to bully all his love interest. Tin doesn't want  vel to know about Benz . tin went to meet benz . That date was so boring for both of them . Benz came to the same restaurant for the date .vel is about to leave and he saw tin dropping benz in the parking lot  . Benz gave a friendly hug  .vel didn't call top but went near tin and dragged him to the car in the back of the seat .
Tin : leave me , what the hell are you doing
Vel : why are you roaming with my business rival .Never thought you were cunning.
Tin :  I don't know
Vel : if you need a man then tell me. I will satisfy you .
Tin : vel , did i ever do anything to you .i tried to be friends with you .why do you need to blame me for everything . If you don't like me . It is okay . Leave my place .next time please check before booking your meeting.
Tin was so angry in delivering his words. But deepdown he don't want to hate vel . Vel never seen tin so seriously .he used to ignore him constantly.he is so furious.vel was still on top of tin .tin is not trying to move . Vel and tin eyes locked .vel loosened the grip. Tin left the place within seconds. Vel is looking at him .when he is leaving vel's heart is filled with pain. He want to be in tin's heart .seeing any man or woman around tin just makes him jealous.vel's love is years old .he feels like he is born to love tin .tin is so kind and brave in the people he know. If anyone bullys anyone in the class he would be the one fighting for other people.  He studys very well . everyone in the class praises him. He takes care of his younger brother. When his parents died tin is the one tried to be friends with him. He pushed him away .he is the one cured him. He took care of him everyday . He even used to feed him .he developed feelings for him .he want to tell him but tin got into an accident. Vel thought he is the reason for his condition and never expressed his love .he pushed him away .he never made friends with anyone. He used to be alone but people used to hangout with him because he is cool .

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