Chapter Fourteen - The Desolation of Raed

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hi hello hey!

it's been a while bc I've had writers block but I'm going to try to write way more often and shit. My reads haven't really gone up but I don't care about that anymore anyway.



Dan's P.O.V

"How the hell are we supposed to contain a dragon?" I asked.

Phil shrugged and stood up.

"Help me up, please" I said, smiling.

He smiled back and reached out his hand.

"Thanks" I say, grabbing it and pulling myself up.

"We need Lara, I suppose" Phil says, looking at me.

"What for?"

"She could use tree roots as binds. Essentially the dragon will be tied to the ground and we can kill it" Phil replies, shrugging.

"We aren't going to kill the dragon" I say.

Phil raises an eyebrow.

"Don't tell me you've become attached to it" he says, rolling his eyes.

"Oh my god PHIL!"I yell, smacking his arm.

All of a sudden, a loud sound echoes through the forest.

"shit" Phil whispers.

I smirk to myself.

"Okay, we need to sort something out, quick!" I say.

"Okay.. We can kill it! Just try!" He says, running towards it.

"Wait!" I voice calls from behind us.

I turn to see Michael.

"Yes?" I say, turning to face him.

"I'm here to help" he says, smiling at us.

I looked back at him and smiled. I don't know why my stupid grudge let me make an enemy. I wanted my friend back.

"Cmon!" Phil yelled.

We ran after him and run towards the dragon.

"This is a bad idea" I say, still running.

"No" Michael says, "it's a terrible idea"

We all laugh nervously and when we reach the dragon, we turn to face each other.

"I suppose.." Michael says.

"Yes?" Phil asks.

"We could try..."

"Try what?" I ask.

"To ride it.." He finishes, looking at it.

We all looked at each other and nodded.

"Better than trying to kill it" I reply, smirking.

We all run up and jump on the dragons back.

The dragon starts to wake and we kick its side, so it flies up into the air.

"How do we steer it?!" I yell.

"Grab the ears!" Michael says, and I grab the ears.

I pull to the left and the dragon starts flying left.

"Thanks" I yell over the noise.

We were fifty metres up and the wind was blowing through our faces. It was pitch black but up high you could see the lights from the castle, and the villages around it.

"It's beautiful" I whisper to myself.

I steer towards the castle and start circling.

"Look inside for Lara!" I yell, flying around.

"There!" Michael yells, pointing to the highest tower.

My heart sinks through my chest as I see two brothers and the Grim Reaper fighting. Lara is hanging over the edge, unconscious.

"Phil! Grab the wheel" I say climbing onto the dragons head.

Phil steers toward the tower and flies over the top.

"Goodbye" I mouth, and jump onto the top of the tower.

My landing was rough and Michael landed next to me.

"Let's go!" I say, running and climbing to the lower level.

One of the brothers turns and smiles at us. Not a nice smile, a malicious smile.

"Little heroes, how cute" he says, "too bad I'm going to slaughter you all"

I pull out my wand and point it at him.

"Go while you can!" The other brother says, desperately.

Charlie Purtive.

Charlie Purtive is the good brother.

"Too bad you can't keep your mouth shut, Charlie" the evil brother says, grabbing a knife and stabbing it into his brothers chest.

"G-go" he splutters, blood pouring from his mouth.

He then collapsed into a heap on the ground, blood still pouring from him.

"Who's next" he says, smirking.

The grim reaper laughs from behind him.

"People like you prey on the weak, don't you?" I say, dropping my wand.

"What did you say?" He said, stepping forward.

"You are weak. For preying on the weak. Why don't you pick on people your own size?" I say, smirking at him.

"Because, unlike the schoolyard bully, I have a reaper to feed. It doesn't matter what size you are, if you have a nice soul for him to feed on" he replied, smiling.

"You aren't consuming these souls" Phil yells, before smacking the dragon on the head, hard.

Fire erupted out of its mouth and I pulled Michael to the ground.

Screaming filled our ears as the evil brother erupted into flames, and he ran forward, and leaped off of the tower.

"Shame" the reaper said, "he was useful"

"Is that all you do? Use people?" Michael yells.

"Of course"

Michael turns to me and whispers, "how do you kill a reaper?"

I look at him, and his eyes are filled with hatred.

"You drown it" I reply, firmly.

He walks up to the edge of the tower and looks down.

"Consume my soul!" He yells at the reaper, "it will be the last thing you do!"

The reaper laughs and walks towards him, grabbing his face.

"Michael!" I yell, running towards them.

"No" he says, "let it be"

"No!' I yell.

He smiles at me softly and grabs the reaper.

"This is the end"

He throws himself off the edge, while holding onto the reaper.

"No!" I scream, running to the edge.

All I could see was the water rippling, and a shadow flying off.

It was over.

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