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       "𝗕𝗬 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗪𝗔𝗬, 𝗚𝗢𝗢𝗗 𝗠𝗢𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚." You rubbed your eyes after your peaceful sleep, disregarding the fact that you had just startled the 'it' and nearly everyone else in the room. The tension that had gripped the players was palpable, yet you remained unfazed, your calm demeanor standing in stark contrast to the chaos around you. You lowered your gaze to the ball you had deftly dodged just moments ago, its presence a stark reminder of the game that continued despite the unexpected interruption.

Slowly, your attention shifted to the screen where the name Zantetsu Tsurugi was displayed prominently. A small smirk tugged at the corners of your lips—he was still 'it'. You mused silently, a mixture of relief and amusement settling within you as you turned your head to survey the other players, their expressions reflecting the disbelief at what they had just witnessed. Your jump, after all, had been nothing short of impressive, almost surreal in its execution.

The room buzzed with an uneasy energy, the players frozen in their places as if unsure how to proceed. You could see the hesitation in their eyes, the reluctance to be the one who touched the ball next. It was almost amusing how the mere presence of the ball had become a source of dread among them. With a casual shrug, you decided to break the silence, pointing towards the screen where the countdown continued its relentless march.

"You guys should hurry up, it's only 39 seconds left." The digital numbers glowed ominously on the screen, ticking down with an air of finality.



The numbers dropped steadily, each second bringing them closer to the inevitable end. You observed them, noting how not a single one of them seemed eager to take action. Their reluctance was almost palpable, as if the ball had become a cursed object no one wanted to be associated with. You couldn’t help but feel a wave of impatience wash over you. If they weren’t going to step up, you figured you might as well push things along yourself. After all, watching Zantetsu get eliminated could be an entertaining prospect. 

Turning on your heel, you fixed Zantetsu with a level gaze. He met your eyes with arrogance dripping from his expression. You rolled your eyes. "Alright, braindead bastard. Let's team up and get this over with, okay?"

His expression faltered just a bit, as though the offer had caught him off guard. "Eh?"

You rolled your eyes again, already regretting the suggestion. "You know what, never mind. I'm just gonna get the ball. Teaming up with you will make me lose brain cells." The words came out sharper than intended, but you couldn't bring yourself to care. There was no time for diplomacy in a game like this.

You walked purposefully towards the ball, which had come to rest near the corner of the room. The players watched you with a mixture of curiosity and caution, clearly unsure of what you were planning. Without hesitation, you placed your foot on the ball, feeling the solid weight of it beneath your sole. As you did, the screen changed to display your name, marking you as the new 'it'. You cast a quick glance at the screen, noting the time remaining.

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