The Genesis

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"What the fuck is your problem?" 

"Geez man...why are you so rude?" 

"He thinks he's better than us." 

"What don't you understand?" 

"I can't understand you." 


"Daniel?" a woman asked me, "Daniel, do you know where you are?"

 I looked around before answering.

"...A hospital?" I remember getting hurt, so I guess I'd be here, but whose Daniel?

The women eyes opened wider. She let out a gasp before covering her mouth with her hands. She started crying and leaned her face on the shoulder of an unfamiliar looking man. 

"You don't know how many times we have asked you that...this was the first time you could actually respond back." said the man.

I starred at him.

He put his hand on my shoulder, it was big and rough. 

"Who are you guys...? And who's Daniel?" I asked. 

He looked sadder now, disappointed, as he slowly dragged his hand back to his side. The woman buried her head deeper into his shoulder, it wasn't a loud cry, but she was sniffling.  

A nurse in the corner of the room walked towards us. "Thats a shame" she said, "It seems like he suffered from amnesia as we anticipated." She stroked the woman's shoulder. 

...I remember now, I was stabbed...a classmate stabbed me. 

Well, I understand I'm not on good terms with everyone. He bumped into me, then stabbed me...Did I make him mad?

I hate school.

 I noticed how much smaller and lighter I felt. 

I leaped up, my arms, legs, everything, was smaller than before. I was a lot paler, my hair was longer. 

I pulled out a strand, dark black. How is this possible, my hair was hazel before...?

The nurse sprung to her feet and immediately pushed me down.

"Its not safe to move too quickly Daniel, lay down and rest, the doctor and your parents will explain to you what's happening."

I laid back down looking up at the ceiling, it had an intricate swirling pattern instead of tiles like you would expect from a hospital. 

The nurse escorted the couple out of the hospital room. I was left alone with myself and my thoughts. 

I died right, I definitely died, so how am I here right now? Was I given a second life, a second chance at life? 

...I want to not waste it. 

I glanced at the tv,  it was on but muted. A doctor entered the room, tall, or maybe he just looked that way compared to me, man came into the room.

He introduced himself before taking a seat on a stool at the corner of the bed. "Hello Daniel, I'm Mr. Hernandez but you can just call me doc, okay?"

I nodded.

He smiled then continued, "You see," he paused," you were attacked while out with your mother, Jessica, and received numerous injures to your head, arms and legs. Which," he paused, "also explains the reason you have memory issues." 

He stopped and smiled at me, I glanced at the tv. There were people fighting but it wasn't a normal fight, water was spewing out of the hands of one of them while the other was moving rapidly, in ways I didn't know where possible. 

I leaned forward. Was this some type of editing?

I stuck out my finger and pointed to it.

"Oh? Do you not remember heroes?" he said. I glanced at him.

He chuckled before explaining. "Some people have powers, ya' know, like special abilities." he said nonchalantly. I looked at him more firmly before he continued. "Some are born with them, sometimes it can be passed down from parent to offspring but, uh, it's sometimes not...umm, people can also get them from other means." 

I hunched over a little bit. My eyes drifted over to the side as I tried to process what I was hearing.

"What year is it?"

"Twenty-twenty four." he said.

"...What country are we in?"



"California, Los Angelos"

I leaned back a little with relief. There probably wouldn't be a whole ton of new things I would have to get accustomed too, I suck at that.

Thats when the lady and the man walked in with a new nurse. This one had blond hair and red lipstick on. She looked like if someone was dressing as a nurse for halloween instead of an actual one.

"I had a conversation with him," said Mr Hernandez. "There some's things he couldn't remember like the country where in, state, the year or heroes as well."

The couple listened closely.

"However, his communication is fine and he doesn't seems disoriented like most amnesia patients. Likely, he has the type of amnesia where he has forgotten major things of his everyday life but still retains communication and other neurological skills." 

"Is that a good thing?" The woman, or Jessica, asked. 

"Uh, well, yes in the sense he's still fine it's just his memory, he likely won't spend an extensive amount of time here. However, he'll have to stay so we can run some test." The doctor explained. 

"My own son doesn't remember me...?" 

The doctor looked down and rubbed his hand on his forehead, "Likely no, but there is a possibility he can regain those memories of you." 

"It'll be okay ma'am." the nurse comforted her.

"Do you think his autism might affect those test?" The man redirected while stroking the woman's backside. 


"Uh, yeah, likely it will but we'll take it into account during then." he motioned with his hands, "There's nothing to worry about and he seems to already be making a speedy recovery."

Looks like I'll have to stay here for a little longer. 

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