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"I was..." I tried to come up with an excuse. "Sorry..."

David walked by and exited out of the file, "This isn't your room, your's is near the bathroom." 

"Sorry, I didn't read any of it, I swear I didn't."

He placed his hand on my head, "Look, it's fine, I'm not mad at you." 

I looked down. 

"We all make mistakes and you didn't know, I won't hold it against you, promise." 

I nodded. 

So, I got caught. But this gives me more questions. 

How do powers work? Don't they defy logic and common sense? How come only some people have powers and some don't? How come me and David are both related but have different powers? Why does mom nor dad have any? 

I glanced at my computer before I eventually gave in, slumped into my chair and began googling it. 

"The reason people can be born with powers is still unknown despite scientific advances" I read. "Multiple theories suggests chemical imbalances or unknown DNA sequences randomizing abilities within people. Alternative theories suggest man-made chemicals in food, water sources, or in the air led to awakening within DNA sequences that allowed for powers within people." 

So it's something with our genes?

I clicked another article. 

"Chapperton School Students Find OUTBREAKING Information Regarding How Powers are Stolen" 

I scrolled down and began skimming, "Multiple convicts where used for this study and were directed to use the powers they had stolen from those they murdered. Brain scans showed the most active parts of the brain were the parietal lobe, responsible for things like recognition, movement and perception to stimuli are increased in activity while the frontal lobe, responsible for reasoning, problem-solving and emotions are either increased in activity or decreased in activity. Typically, more one-dimensional powers, such as teleportation or ones used for fighting tend to deactivate the frontal lobe, while more complex or psychological powers such as telekinesis activate the frontal lobe."  

So the more violent your power, the less reasonable you are. The more complex your power is, the smarter you are. 

I think my power of, "my smile makes others happy" or influences others emotions would be on the psychological side of things. 

I leaned back in my chair, "That's a good sign for me."

"The connection to increased activity within the parietal lobe corroborates with convicts describing abnormal pain levels when facing attacks and injures from heroes."  

I clicked off and opened a different article. 

"One theory suggests that after someone who posses a power is murdered, their corpse releases a chemical that reacts to the loss of gray matter within the killer's brain. More studies need to be conducted to further prove this theory, researchers explained plans to question more convicts, medical personnel, emergency responders, witnesses or those who found the corpse of someone possessing a power who was murdered to see if they developed anything related to the murder victim's power.

One researcher, Anna Bellum told us, "It'd make more sense if we could find any that already lack gray matter, such as family members with mental disorders or illness, like a sister with suicidal tendencies or a grandmother with dementia. If possible, I'd like to see if we can find any that have committed homicide.""

What's all this about chemicals and gray matter? It is an interesting theory, and I guess that does explain some stuff.

I exited out and clicked on an anonymous forum thread. 

"How do y'allz feel about the murders going on? 

I think it's kinda scaryyy, I don't have a power, and even though I thought they were pretttttyyyyy coolz, I'm glad I don't with all these murders on the loose"

I scrolled to the comments. 

"OP learn grammar please, and you use "z" in replace of "s" but then use s in the word scrary and murders. Also it's "murderers" not "murders"." 

"It scares me too, honestly I'm surprised so many people are power hungry enough to kill someone else" 

Someone replied, "It's because Gen Z". 

Someone replied to that reply, "Most killers were 30-60 year old men though 🤨?" 

"I have a power and I've been trying to hide it because I don't want to end up the next victim talked about on the news." 

"dO yOU WaNT TO KnOW MoooRE ABouT wHat THEY keEP HidDEn? The GOverNMEnt UsES PoWERS as A lIE In ORdeR To Kill ThOSe CoNSIderED PeoPLE oF IntEREST" 

"I'm going to ignore the cryptic comment above this."

"Recently Red Lion was killed by a villain right?" 

Red lion? I've heard that before.

I combed through the replies, "Yeah a villain under the name P.H., he stole Lunatic's ability to teleport, Red Lion's ability to gain animal-like qualities, and its suspected he was involved in the 2020 murder of upcoming hero Charlotte Smalls." 

"What was Charlotte Smalls ability again? I remember not really engaging in the stuff around her since she was kinda controversial" 

Someone replied, "You mean the whore who couldn't stop posting lewd photos of her and saying slurs? Yeah, she had pretty fast reflexes." 

Someone else replied, "Didn't she falsely accuse Falcon of SA'ing her?" 

"He's called P.H. because it stands for Power Hungry right?" 

A user replied, "Yeah but also because he referred to himself as "Public Hero" because he thinks powers should be "shared""

A user replied to that reply, "Public Hero? More like Public Enemy Number One 💀"

"He already caught three bodies, he seems to only go after heroes those so us regular plebs are safe :P" 

"John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 

I exited out of the forum.

I bit my nail, Red Lion was the hero I heard about in the hospital, so the people with him must have also been heroes. 

More importantly, is killing people the only way I can gain more powers?

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