Chapter One

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The promised day came, and went. General Mustang was currently preparing to use a philosopher stone to restore his vision as well as heal the damage to Jean Havoc's spine. Of course he didn't want to tell Edward of his plan to use it. He didn't want to upset him. At the moment he was currently stepping into a bookstore with Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye. Roy stayed close to her while she looked through the books. After all, he couldn't see.
"Can I help you find anything?" A female voice spoke suddenly. Roy was rather surprised he didn't hear her approach. He'd noticed his hearing was a lot sharper now.
"You're very stealthy." He laughed.
"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sneak up on you." She apologized. The girl recognized him right away. A state alchemist. The fire one from Ishval. Riza turned to her.
"I'm just browsing." She smiled. They had left the office for the day. Riza had been taking the General home since the promised day, and had been wanting to stop, and check out this shop on the way. Of course Roy didn't mind. The shopkeeper nodded, and went back over to the front desk. She couldn't help, but watch them. She noticed how sad the fire alchemist looked.
Riza made a sound of excitement. Clearly she's spotted something interesting. Roy had felt like he's been burdening her lately. He smiled softly.
"You go on, I'll be here."
"I'll be fine."
"Alright." Riza nodded, although she didn't like leaving him alone like this. She stepped over to the section she wanted to browse. Roy stood where he was. He turned when he heard someone approaching.
"Excuse me." The shopkeeper spoke suddenly. It's her again. Roy had taken a mental note of her voice.
"Could I ask you a question?"
"Yes." Roy nodded.
"Why do you look so sad? Did something happen?"
"Oh... Nothing." He replied, and smiled although it didn't reach his eyes. It was forced. The young woman looked worried. She could see he was faking it. There was an awkward silence before Roy called to Riza.
"Anything of interest over there?"
"Yes sir, I found a couple things." She said as she stepped back over.
"That's good to hear." Roy nodded. He held out his arm, and Riza took it. The young woman then made the realization. He can't see. Maybe that's why he looks so sad. She watched the two of them. They were clearly used to working together, and made a great team. She looked at the books in the woman's hands.
"If you like those, I'd be happy to give you some recommendations." The shopkeeper smiled, fidgeting with a necklace she wore. The chain was gold with a red stone attached. It caught the lieutenant's eye. Is that?
"Thank you." She replied.
"Your necklace is beautiful."
"Oh, thank you."
"What does it look like?" Roy asked curiously. He wasn't sure why he asked, but he did. The girl held it out, but quickly realized that wasn't helpful.
"My mother gave it to me. She said it's important. I'm not sure why. It's a red crystal." She explains. Roy's eyes widened.
"You don't know what kind of rock it is?"
"No." The girl shook her head.
"Do you know what it could be?"
"I can say for certain." He shook his head. Not without seeing it anyway.
"It's alright." She hummed, and let the necklace sit on her chest.
"I think I have everything I need." Riza spoke up.
"Oh I'll ring you out." The girl ran back behind the counter. The pair followed her. Riza stood at the counter, and got some money out of her wallet. She noticed Roy began to wonder. He seemed to be testing himself on how well he could explore without a guide. Riza sighed. He's bored.
"Alright." The woman put the books in a brown paper bag.
"Here you are."
"Thank you." Riza took the bag. She glanced back at Roy who was reaching out for anything that could be in front of him.
"You wouldn't be in the market for a part time job would you?" The lieutenant asked suddenly.
"A part time job?" The girl tilted her head. The bookstore was already a part time job.
"I have an open position."
"What position?" Roy asked from across the room. Riza sighed. Damn he can hear literally everything now.
"General, please stay where you are."
"Excuse me?" Roy was rather offended. Since when was she in charge? Regardless he listened. Riza began to whisper.
"It's not so much a job, as a request."
"Yes. My name is Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye." She introduced herself.
"Luna." The shopkeeper replied.
"Luna, what I'm asking is if there was any way you'd be willing to assist General Mustang?"
"Assist him?" She glanced at the dark haired man.
"Yes, just help him with his paperwork, and be his eyes for the time being."
"Oh I see." Luna nodded.
"You're really close with him aren't you?"
"He's my oldest, and closest friend. It's not that I don't want to help him during this time, it's just I don't think I'm the right person for the job. I'm not including him in this conversation because he'll be embarrassed." She explained.
"Why me?"
"You seem like a sweet girl. Honestly, I think it would be good for him. He tends to float, and has always needed someone to keep him on the ground, and tell him when he's being silly, or reckless, or stubborn. I try, but he doesn't listen to me. I tend to give him tough love, maybe he needs a different approach." She laughed softly.
"I can tell there is something special about you." Riza hummed.
"Oh I don't know." Luna blushed softly.
"Obviously you don't have to if you don't want to." Riza smiled.
"It's not that." Luna replied. There was suddenly a loud crashing sound. Both girls looked back at Roy. He stood awkwardly over a pile of books he'd just knocked from the shelves.
"That's alright." Luna chuckled softly. He's very cute.
"When do I start?"
"Would tomorrow be okay?" Riza turned back to her.
"It would." Luna nodded.
"Perfect. Hopefully he won't be too upset with me. He feels like he's useless right now. I just don't want him to be so alone."
"Of course. I can help him with anything he needs." Luna nodded. She could see just how deeply Riza cared about him.
"Thank you." Riza beamed. She turned, and stepped over to Roy.
"I didn't break anything did I?"
"Oh no, don't worry." Luna hummed as she stepped over to them. Riza helped her pick up all the books.
"I'm sorry again." Roy apologized.
"It's fine really." Luna laughed softly. Roy smiled. She has a cute laugh. They said goodbye, and Riza took his arm, and led him out of the building.
The following day there was a knock on the office door. Lieutenant Hawkeye answered.
"Good morning Luna. Thank you for coming."
"Of course." Luna nodded, and stepped into the room. She had a suitcase with her. General Mustang was seated at his desk with a large stack of paperwork. He recognized her voice instantly. The girl from the bookstore? What's she doing here? He was suddenly suspicious. What were they talking about the other day?
"I'm not too early am I?" Lina asked.
"No, this is perfect." Riza smiled kindly. They stepped up to Roy's desk.
"Sir, this is Luna from the store yesterday."
"So it seems." Roy replied.
"She's going to act as your personal assistant." Hawkeye informed him. Roy sighed.
"That will be all lieutenant." He didn't want to discuss it. He knew the lieutenant was busy with her own work, and couldn't babysit him all the time. Still it stung. Riza saluted him before leaving the room. Luna stood before him awkwardly. What should I do? How should I refer to him? She felt nervous.
"M-my name is Luna, it's nice to meet you sir." She found her voice.
"We've met. You don't need to be so formal." He managed a soft smile. As annoyed as he was with the whole situation he wasn't about to just ignore her.
"I suppose we should get to work."
"Right." Luna nodded.
"My subordinates usually end up doing a lot of my work on top of their own. I've been known to slack off." He sighed.
"But now in this condition they're all behind on their own work because they have to help me so much more." He looked sad again. He felt like a burden to them all.
"Would you mind reading this to me?" Asked in reference to the pile of papers.
"Yes, sir." Lina pulled an extra chair in the room up to the desk beside him. She pulled the first document from the pile. She began to read.
"That sounds like a solid report." He nodded.
"I'll need to sign that."
"Right." She handed him a pen. There was a moment of awkward silence.
"Here." Luna took Roy's hand, and set the pen tip where his signature was meant to go.
"Thank you." He said as he signed his name.
"How does that look?" He asked.
"It's not exactly a straight line, but it's very close." Luna was actually impressed.
"Sounds about right." He said, suggesting his signature looked poor even when he could see. He was so used to signing documents he didn't need to see to know the motions. She noted the scarring on the back of his hands. The right hand was more so than the left. Some of the marks seemed to make a circle, or a symbol.
"Sir?" She touched his hand. He thought maybe she wanted to guide his next signature.
"How did you get these scars? They look deep, and thick. Do they hurt you?" She asked. He felt her fingers trace over them. He seemed frozen for a moment.
"I was in a fight once, and my ignition gloves were destroyed, so I had to... Improvise." He explained.
"So I could use my alchemy."
"Your fire alchemy?"
"Oh, so you know which alchemist I am then?" He was a little surprised.
"Of course." She giggled.
"The other ones are from the former Führer." He wasn't sure why, but he felt comfortable telling her this. She felt sad, and held onto his hand.
"Sir, I know it's not my business, but if you ever want to talk about anything I'm here. You might not feel so down if you talk about it."
"I'm not down.. I'm just... Working." He replied with a sigh.
"Sir." She held his hand close to her.
"Let's keep this professional." Roy pulled away gently.
"Yes sir." Luna nodded. Time went by, she read more files, and he signed them. After a while he asked for the time, and she gave it to him.
"Alright." He nodded.
"I think that's enough for now." He stood up.
"Should we get something to eat?" He smiled.
"Yes sir." Luna nodded. She stood up, and closed the distance between them. Luna looped their arms together. She grabbed her suitcase, and began walking him out of the room, and the building all together. It was still late afternoon.
"How do you feel about pizza?" Roy asked.
"I like pizza."
"Good, there's a parlor near my house, let's go." His mood seemed better. He told Luna where the pizza parlor was from memory, and she knew about where it was, and managed to get them there.
"We're here." Luna informed him.
"Would you like to eat outside?" He asked.
"Sure it's nice out." She nodded. They sat down. Luna looked over the menu, and read it out loud as she did, although he was familiar with it. They discussed what toppings they each liked, and the pie was to be split down the middle. Roy was more into classic pepperoni, and Luna was a little more adventurous.
"So the lieutenant asked you to babysit me, huh?" He smirked.
"Oh no it's not like that at all." Luna shook her head.
"She said she doesn't want you to be alone."
"I see." He smiled softly.
"That was kind." He closed his eyes. Luna noted his expression.
"Sir... Are you dating the lieutenant?"
"Huh?" He opened his eyes.
"Are you two in a relationship?" Luna asked again.
"Oh, no we're just friends. Her father was my teacher, and we've known each other a long time. She followed me into the military. I'm all she really has." He explained.
"I see." Luna smiled. That was close. She blushed softly. The waiter brought them the glasses of water they had ordered.
"Now I just have to make sure I don't spill it everywhere." Roy joked.
"Don't worry I won't let you." Luna laughed with him.
"Thank you." He chuckled. They continued to talk about the weather, and things going on lately when the pizza arrived. Luna hummed softly as she ate.
"Sounds like you're enjoying it." Roy chuckled again.
"It's very good." Luna nodded. They were able to finish it together, and Roy took care of the bill.
"Thank you sir." Luna bowed her head.
"It's nothing." He smiled. He held out his arm for her this time. She took it. The sun was starting to set as she brought him up the stairs to his door. He pulled the key from his pocket, and held it out. Luna took it, and unlocked the door. She pushed it open, and they stepped inside. It was nice, and well kept.
"Were you planning on staying?" He asked.
"I said you wouldn't be alone, didn't I?" She smiled softly. He nodded, and went over where everything was to her. The bathroom, the guest room, and his own room.
"Thank you sir."
"Hopefully the guest room isn't a mess. Edward was the last person to use it. He couldn't pay for a hotel, so he had to stay over recently." Roy explained.
"Edward? The fullmetal alchemist?"
"Yeah he's a good kid." Roy nodded.
"I've heard a lot about him." She replied. Roy nodded. He sat down on the couch, and stretched. Luna couldn't help, but yawn.
"You should get some sleep."
"What about you?" She asked.
"I'm going to bed too." Roy said with a yawn.
"I'm tired." He stood up, and walked over to the bathroom. Luna followed.
"I can take it from here." He smiled sweetly.
"Thank you for all your help today."
"It's nothing." She grinned.
"If you do need me though, don't hesitate."
"I won't." Roy nodded. She turned, and stepped into the guest room. She set the suitcase onto the bed. It had been left unmade. Is this what he means by a mess? She laughed to herself. She opened the case, and pulled out the pajamas she'd packed.
She had already expected to stay. Luna closed the door, and changed her clothes. She heard the bathroom door open, and close. She couldn't help, but crack her door, and glance out. She saw him walking towards his room with one hand on the wall, and the other outstretched in front of him. He made it to his bed, and laid down on his side facing the door.
"Goodnight." He seemed to know she was watching him.
"Goodnight, sir." She blushed.
"If you need anything I'll be here." He said as he pulled the blankets up over his shoulder, and closed his eyes.
"Thank you sir." I feel like I should be the one saying that. She thought. Luna left the door open in case he needed her. She laid down on the bed. It was very comfortable. She closed her eyes, and fell asleep quickly.
  It was loud. People were screaming, and crying. There were guns firing, and things exploding.
"We need to leave now!" A man's voice spoke urgently. Dad?
"Grab Luna, and let's go."
"Okay!" A woman ran over to her.
"It's time to go now sweetheart."
"Yes, it's not safe here."
"Mom, what's going on?"
"Don't worry. I know it's scary, but we'll be okay." The woman took her hand, and they all ran out of the building. She was scared.
"Close your eyes sweetie." The woman said, but Luna didn't close her eyes. She saw many people who were dead, or dying. Blood covered the ground. They met up with a group of people.
"They're onto us!" Her father said to the group.
"I know. We need to retreat for now." They followed the group until they were all cornered by men in uniforms.
"A state alchemist!" Someone yelled. All they could do was stand there in fear.
"The orders were to take them out, what are you waiting for?" One of the uniformed men asked. There was silence before a shot rang out. Luna covered her ears, closed her eyes, and clung to her mother as more shots were fired.  When she opened them again her parents were on the ground bleeding along with the others.
"Mama!" She cried out, and fell to her knees. The woman touched the necklace around Luna's neck for a moment, and smiled before her arm fell to the ground, and her eyes went dark.
"Mama!" Luna screamed. Suddenly a man grabbed her shoulder.
"Look at this halfbreed!" He scoffed.
"I'll take her if you're not into that." Another man laughed as he grabbed Luna by the hair. She gasped, and cried.
"Whoa! Hey stop!" A younger man shouted.
"You want some too?  She's closer to your age." The first man laughed.
"This wasn't part of the order!"
"No, the order was to wipe them out. You were supposed to roast them, but we had to do it for you. I think we deserve a reward for that. Don't worry we'll kill her after, so none of us get into trouble. Heck you can torch the bodies if you want, and we'll say you did what the colonel ordered you to do."
"Really you're going to use black mail?" A man with glasses replied.
"You have a girl waiting for you, I'm sure you're just as lonely as the rest of us. We just need some kind of... Release." The man grabbed Luna's shirt, and began to rip it.
"Stop! That's an order!" The young man tried again.
"I don't take orders from you!"
"Actually you do." The man with the glasses chimed in again.
"Why because he's a state alchemist?"
"Yeah, now please reconsider what you're doing. I do have a girlfriend waiting for me, and I do miss her, and yes I am lonely here, but I'm not a beast."
"Then why are you even here? This is a place for beasts!" The soldier tore her shirt some more, and a single shot rang out. Luna gasped as blood splattered from the man's head, and he fell to the ground.
"Roy!" The man with glasses shouted. Enraged, the other man let go of her hair, and ran towards them. Several of the other uniformed men began to fight among themselves. Luna's vision was starting to tunnel as they subdued the alchemist, and his friend, and dragged them away. She lost consciousness.
Luna gasped, and her eyes flashed open. She sat up. Why was I dreaming about that? She thought about the name she'd heard. That man said Roy. A state alchemist. Was it him? The fire alchemist... they talked about burning the bodies... Luna shook the thought from her head.
She stood up, and stepped to the doorway. She looked down the hall. She could see him in his bed. Still laying on his side. His expression was intense, and his legs kicked a few times. Luna walked down the hall, and stopped at his doorway.
His arm was outstretched over the side of the bed. She noted he was rubbing his fingers together as if he were using his alchemy. Good thing he doesn't sleep with his gloves on. She thought. She stepped over to the other side of the bed. He was mumbling incoherently. Luna sat down on the bed beside him. He's dreaming.
"Sir?" She spoke softly. He seemed to thrash around more.
"Sir?" She tried again. Whatever he was dreaming of was vivid.
"General Mustang?" She spoke a little louder. Still he didn't respond.
"Roy?" She touched his shoulder. He shouted, sat up quickly, and swung his arm around. He snapped his fingers at her. Of course nothing happened. Luna gasped, and jumped back.
"Sir!" She called him. He paused. Everything's dark. He quickly recalled where he was, and the day's events.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." She apologized.
"It's fine." He replied, and stood up. Luna watched him slowly make his way to the bathroom. She heard the water start from the sink. Luna stepped over to the bathroom door. She watched him wash his face, and noted the back of his shirt was damp. He was sweating. He sighed, and reached out for the hand towel. He found it, and dried his face, and set the towel down.
"You should go back to sleep." He stepped past her, and went back to his room, and closed the door.

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