Chapter Three

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The following morning Luna made breakfast again. This time they were quiet as they ate. Roy didn't speak, so neither did Luna. It was awkward. She wasn't angry, but she was worried that he was. The only time he did speak was if he needed her assistance, and she would reply with a simple,
"Yes sir." Like the day before they made their way over to HQ, and went to the office.
"Sir." The team stood, and acknowledged their commanding officer appropriately. He said good morning, and sat at his desk. Luna sat beside him. The atmosphere was completely different, and cold. Riza sighed, and began to write an apology to Luna for his behavior. She handed it to Luna.
What the lieutenant wrote filled Luna's heart with sadness. She kept the note, and silently thanked Riza who nodded, and got back to work. The others were also aware of what was making the general so grumpy. They all worked quietly aside from Luna reading. The day seemed to drag. Finally it ended. Roy stood up.
"Dismissed, let's get the hell out of here." His tone was normal. Everyone started getting ready to leave. Luna stood up, and walked out with him.
"Let's take a walk." Roy suggested.
"Sure." Luna nodded. They wandered around a park. Roy could hear birds, and people. Kids laughing, and cars passing. He missed driving.
"I'm sorry." He spoke suddenly.
"About what?" She looked up at him.
"The way I acted last night, and today."
"It's okay." She nodded.
"I'm sorry too."
"No, you don't have to apologize. You were only trying to help."
"Thank you." She nodded. He felt her stop.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"These flowers are so pretty!" She hummed. Roy smiled.
"Your voice is beautiful." He wasn't sure why he decided to say it rather than keep it to himself, but he did.
"Oh, thank you." Luna blushed deeply. They continued their walk. Roy felt a bit embarrassed. Why did I say that? It was so cheesy. His cheeks flushed. Luna looked at him, and smiled. He's so sweet, and cute.
"Do you mind if we make a quick stop at the hospital before we head home?"
"Of course not. Is there someone you want to visit?"
"Yes." He nodded.
Once at the hospital they went up to a room. Luna heard a boy's voice. He sounded annoyed. She also heard a girl's voice, and she sounded angry. Roy decided just to open the door.
"You know everyone in the building can hear you." He said as he walked in. The group stopped.
"Sorry sir, it's just that someone won't drink their milk!" The blonde girl growled.
"Still?" Roy shook his head.
"Who cares!" The boy replied. There was another child who looked similar in bed. His hair was longer than the first boys, and he looked emaciated. He was hooked up to iv's, but was laughing at the other two.
"Who's this?" The first boy asked when he saw Luna.
"This is my assistant, Luna." Roy replied.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Winry." The blonde girl smiled.
"Nice to you."
"Luna, this is Edward, and Alphonse." Roy explained.
"It's nice to meet, I've heard a lot about you three." Luna smiled.
"That's embarrassing." Edward laughed.
"Oh no." Luna giggled.
"I've just heard about what wonderful boys you are."
"Thank you." Alphonse smiled.
"That's surprising." Ed looked at Roy. You'd think he'd be telling her how annoying I am.
"So she's your assistant right?" Ed smirked. Alphonse noticed immediately. Oh no.
"Yes." Roy nodded.
"Yeah that makes sense. I thought she was your girlfriend when you walked in, but she's way too pretty to be into you." Edward hummed.
"Oh whatever." Roy scoffed.
"I don't even know what she looks like."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Winry put her hands on her hips.
"Nothing, just that I can't see her." He shrugged.
"Well she's gorgeous, and you shouldn't be putting her on the spot like that Edward!" Winry turned to him.
"Sorry." Ed did feel a bit bad about it now. Alphonse laughed.
"I'm glad everyone is still the same." The room got quiet. Ed, and Winry looked at him.
"We are?" Winry blushed.
"Well I'm not. I'm taller now. Taller than Winry even!" Edward protested.
"By what? And inch?" Winry teased.
"Ha. Ha." Edward faked a laugh. Roy chuckled.
"I told Elicia you three would visit her before you left."
"Don't worry we were planning too." Winry nodded.
"Once Alphonse is cleared to go." Ed followed up.
"I'm worried she won't recognize me." Al looked down sadly.
"Don't worry she will." Roy replied.
"You think so?"
"I know so."
"Thank you." Al smiled.
"I know I will too."
"How's that?" Ed raised a brow before he noted the necklace around Luna's neck. It can't be! He felt threatened.
"So Luna, what are you?"
"Huh?" She tilted her head. His tone had shifted, and Winry looked at him with concern. Al gasped when he saw what Edward saw.
"Brother is that?"
"Yeah there's no mistaking it. A philosopher stone." He grabbed Roy's arm.
"Hey?" Roy was surprised when Edward suddenly ushered him over to Alphonse, and Winry. He quickly recalled Luna's necklace. She said it's a red stone. He had hoped it was, but at the same time he'd hoped it wasn't. He'd even told himself it probably wasn't. After all, why would Luna have one?
"Edward, what's going on?" He asked firmly.
"She has a philosopher's stone around her neck!" He pointed at her. Winry was stunned, and looked at Luna.
"Are you sure?" She asked.
"What are you planning on using it for? Where did you get it? Are you a homunculus?" He began a barrage of questions.
"What are you doing with the general?" Ed asked. Roy was surprised. Why ask that? Is he worried about me?
"My mother gave it to me. I'm not an alchemist, or anything else, I'm just a bookkeeper." Her voice was pleading.
"I just want to help." She grabbed the necklace as she often did when she was stressed. Roy stepped past Edward who grabbed his sleeve.
"Ed?" Roy looked towards him. Although he was looking down as if Edward were a bean.
"You can't see, and she has a philosopher stone!"
"So what if she's trying to hurt you, or kill you, or something?"
"She's not." Roy sighed.
"Luna, Winry. I'd like to speak to the boys alone please."
"Y-yes sir." Luna nodded, and stepped out. She sat down on the bench in the hall. Winry followed much to Edward's disapproval. She sat down beside Luna.
"I'm sorry about him."
"It's okay." Luna replied.
"You didn't know, did you?" Winry smiled sympathetically. Luna shook her head.
"My mother gave it to me. She never told me what it was, only that it was important." She held onto the stone. Winry was rather curious. I wonder how this one was made, and by who? Edward said they take a large amount of human lives to create, so they can't be made without being noticed. Unless a cover such as war is used like Ishval, so who died for this stone?
"I understand why he's so upset though." Luna nodded.   
"The general told me about how the government was corrupt, and that people made from alchemy were controlling everything including the war. He said they were using these, and that a lot of bad things happened because of these stones."
"Yeah." Winry nodded. She didn't want to tell Luna what exactly it was around her neck. She didn't have the heart.
"What?" Edward looked at Roy. Good thing he can't see my face. Edward thought. The anger was clear.
"I haven't told you because I know you'll be upset."
"About the stone?"
"Brother I don't think the general knew about it." Alphonse pointed out.
"I didn't. The lieutenant did say she thought it was pretty, and they both described it to me." He explained.
"I didn't really think it was possible for it to be a philosopher's stone."
"I guess." Edward sighed.
"The thing is I was planning to use doctor Marco's philosopher stone to restore my sight, and Havoc's ability to walk."
"We can't use the stone to fix everything in life." Edward frowned.
"I'm not planning to. That's all I want to use it for then I swear to you I will never use one again."
"Brother?" Al was clearly sympathetic to the general, and Havoc's situation.
"I'm thinking." Edward sighed.
"Ed, I didn't want to perform human transmutation."
"I know." Edward nodded. It's not his fault. He was forced, and lost his sight for it.
"Havoc was following my orders. It was my fault he was injured. I swore to him I'd find a way to get his body back to normal."
"I understand." Edward looked at Alphonse. Al smiled. Ed sighed, and held out his hand.
"Um brother." Al reminded him.
"Oh right." Edward grabbed Roy's hand, and shook it.
"Thank you." Roy nodded. He didn't want to use it without talking to the boys first. It wasn't that he needed their permission, he just wanted them to know he wasn't corrupted. Edward opened the door.
"You can come back in."
"Alright." Winey stood up, and Luna followed her back into the room.
"I'm sorry." Edward looked at Luna.
"I wasn't trying to be a jerk."
"It's alright." Luna nodded.
"We'll be going now." Roy said, holding his arm out for Luna.
"I'm going too." Edward chimed in.
"What?" Roy didn't like the sound of that.
"Just to help you with the stone in the morning." He smiled. Really, he wants to help me with it? Roy was rather suspicious.
"You can just come by sometime tomorrow." Roy shrugged.
"Don't worry it'll be fine." Ed began to gently push his hands against Roy's back, to force him from the room.
"Let me get my things, I'll be right out." He said as he shut the door once they were in the hall.
"He just invited himself over for the night." Roy was a little irritated.
"He's just worried." Luna replied. In the hospital room Edward grabbed his bag, and looked at Winry.
"Stay with Al. I'll be back in the morning once we're done using the stone."
"Using it?" Winey was surprised.
"For the general's eyes." Ed explained.
"Oh." She nodded.
"Okay we'll be here then." She smiled.
"Winry can cut my hair, then when you guys get back I'll look more presentable, and then the general will be able to see me." Al laughed.
"If that's what you want." Winry nodded.
"Alright." Ed nodded. He stepped out into the hall.
"Let's go!"
"Ed you really don't need to come." Roy sighed.
"Don't be such a jerk!" Ed grumbled as they headed back to Roy's place. Edward played everything off, but really he was worried about the stone. He wanted to get as much info on it as possible.
Back at Roy's, Luna took his coat, and hung it up.
"Would you like to use the room?" She asked Edward. He shook his head.
"Don't worry about it. I'll take the couch." He grinned.
"Alright, thank you."
"Don't worry about it." He sat down on the couch with Roy.
"What's for dinner?"
"Is that why you insisted on staying?" Roy groaned.
"No, I'm just asking because we haven't eaten yet."
"Here." Roy reached into his pocket, and pulled his wallet out.
"Go get a pizza."
"Sweet!" Edward jumped up, and ran outside. Luna laughed.
"You could have told him no."
"I know." Roy sighed.
"You just didn't want to."
"I mean kind of."
"Then why didn't you?"
"I didn't want him to be all sad, and disappointed."
"Right." She chucked again. Roy sighed. Edward returned a little while later, and they all sat down to eat.
"Thanks for dinner."
"Don't worry about it." Roy replied.
"How old are you Edward?" Luna asked.
"I'm sixteen."
"Oh that's wonderful." She smiled. Ed nodded. He seemed to be enjoying the pizza. Luna enjoyed watching the two bicker with each other. The sun set, and Luna brought a pillow, and blanket out to the couch for Edward.
"Thank you." Ed said as he laid down on the couch.
"Goodnight boys." Luna said as she went to bed.
"Luna." A voice whispered softly.
"Luna!" The voice was a little louder, and she felt someone touch her shoulder. She gasped, and sat up.
"Yes!" She saw Edward.
"Edward? What's wrong?" She rubbed the sleep from her eyes.
"Somethings wrong with the general."
"What?" She stood up.
"He woke me up, so I went into his room to tell him to shut up, but it looks like he's having a nightmare. I'm not sure what to do." He was genuinely concerned. Luna nodded.
"It's been like this for a couple nights." She wasn't entirely sure what she was supposed to do when someone was having a bad dream.
"Last time I was here I stayed in this room, and I had the door closed." Edward shrugged. Luna nodded, and stepped over to Roy's room. He was tossing, and turning like he had been the first night she stayed. He was mumbling to himself, and had tears streaming down his face. Luna thought about the note Riza gave her that morning. This is definitely how he fell out of bed last night. Luna stepped over to the other side of the bed, and sat down. Edward watched her curiously.
"Sir?" She spoke softly.
"Can you hear me?" She reached out, but stopped herself. She thought about what happened the last time she woke him.
"Sir?" She tried again. He turned onto his side, and curled up.
"Roy." This was the second time she'd used his name.
"Na..." He mumbled.
"That's right." She smiled softly.
"Follow my voice."
"Yes, it's me. I'm here." She gently took his hand. He opened his eyes slowly.
"Luna?" He was still crying.
"It's okay. I'm here." She replied softly.
"I'm sorry." He sat up, and wiped the tears from his eyes.
"Don't apologize." Luna shook her head.
"I've woken you every single night you've been here."
"It's okay. You actually didn't wake me up tonight." She shook her head.
"You woke me up." Edward sighed.
"I'm sorry." Roy didn't realize Edward was in the room.
"It's okay." Edward crossed his arms.
"I didn't know what to do, so I got Luna." He blushed softly, he didn't want to admit that he was worried. Luna smiled.
"Sir, I know you don't want to discuss it, but please talk to me. Tell me what happened."
"Luna..." Roy sighed.
"It's about Ishval isn't it?" She asked. Roy sighed again.
"The lieutenant told me."
"Did she?" He sounded irritated.
"Don't be mad at her." Ed replied.
"She only told me because of your behavior this morning." Luna followed up.
"Right." Roy sighed.
"You were cold, and iced everyone out."
"Ice them out?"
"Yes, you were silent all day today, and rude to all of us. The lieutenant told me why, so I wouldn't think badly of you. Your men knew what had you so out of sorts too."
"I see." He felt bad for getting upset.
"You apologized to me, so it's okay, but now I want you to let me help you." Luna gave his hand a gentle squeeze. Edward decided he also had something to say.
"The lieutenant also told me about your dreams to become führer because I asked her about Ishval. You never tell me anything when I ask. You always get mad, so I asked her. She's more approachable, and I knew she'd actually talk to me." Edward explained.
"The one time you said anything about it was when I asked you why you hesitated during the exam, but all you did was tell me it was bad."
"Yeah, and then you told me I didn't have to tell you anything else. I told you about Marco, and that's all you wanted to know." Roy protested.
"You're just a kid you don't need to know about that kind of stuff."
"Major Armstrong told us it was horrible, and the lieutenant told me about everything we did to the ishvalans." Ed said firmly.
"She told me about being a sniper, and how hard it was. She told Winey a little about it too. At least that's what Winry said." Ed shrugged. Roy was surprised. I thought I was the only one she talked to about it. She told Winry about being a sniper in Ishval? He couldn't believe it.
"The lieutenant also told me the state alchemists were used as weapons!" Edward's eyes narrowed.
"You always use the excuse that I'm a kid. I may be a kid, but I'm not a child!"
"He's right." Luna nodded.
"He's sixteen, nearly an adult."
"Exactly. Everyone does this to me, but I had to grow up faster than most children." Ed smiled at Luna. He was beginning to trust her.
"I had to grow up the minute my real father left us, then our mother died, and I had to take care of my brother, but I messed up. I didn't know what I was going to do, but I didn't want to give up. Then you showed up. You scared the hell out of me screaming at me like you did, but then you provided us with the means to get our bodies, and lives back. I know that people have given you shit for it." Edward wasn't trying to be loud, but he wanted to speak his mind.
"I've heard what people say, and there were times that I allowed them to influence my view of you." Edward admitted.
"I'm sorry. I know you better now. I chose to join the military because I knew you were right about becoming a state alchemist. You were right in that I'd be able to learn more, and I'd have the resources I needed to get my brother's body back. People would come up to us, and feel sorry for us because of our age. Civilians, and other people in the military would pity us because we're kids, and they would complain to us about you. They would talk about how horrible you must have been to recruit children.
It always made me angry because I chose to become a state alchemist. You never forced me. I'm proud to be the youngest state alchemist. I've always felt like it was an achievement." Edward certainly wasn't used to having heartfelt conversations with Roy, but it was exactly what the general needed to hear.
Roy's eyes widened, and he turned his head towards Edward to show he was listening. This time he was looking up. He knew Ed was standing, and that he was indeed taller than he had been a year ago. There seemed to be a very high level of respect between the two.
"Thank you, Edward." Roy whispered. Edward uncrossed his arms.
"Don't mention it." He replied softly. Luna was happy that Roy would never have to doubt himself again.
"During the exam... I hesitated because of the look in your eyes." Roy faced forward. Edward was surprised. He honestly didn't expect anything he'd just said to have any impact on Roy. He wants to talk about it? Ed looked at Luna, and gave her a thumbs up. She smiled. It's working. Edward is such a clever boy. The general knows he can talk to Edward like an adult now. It made her happy.
"My eyes?"
"They reminded me of something that happened in Ishval, and I wasn't.. here anymore." He wasn't sure how to explain it.
"Where were you?" Edward asked with genuine curiosity.
"Ishval." Roy replied. Ed nodded and he thought about something Hughes had told him about people who came back from the war, and how sometimes they felt like they were back in it. Not just in their minds, but they felt like they were physically still there. It was like it was real. He said some things triggered memories, and made it happen. That must be what happened. He hesitated because he wasn't even in the arena anymore.
Edward's heart felt heavy suddenly. Luna thought about Riza's note again. Roy chuckled suddenly. They both looked at him. He wrapped his arms around himself.
"I told you it was bad, and that I saw a lot of bad things, but I couldn't tell you I did bad things."
"Sir?" Edward raised a brow. He better not say because I'm a kid.
"I didn't want you to judge me... I didn't want you to be afraid of me, or to hate me..." He squeezed his eyes shut, and tensed up. Luna kept a hold on his hand. Edward placed his hand on Roy's shoulder.
"The lieutenant told me, and Winry how it felt to shoot, and kill people in the war. We have not once judged her." Edward sighed.
"Nether will I." Luna spoke up.
"We launched an attack. I got separated from the rest of the group I was in. I was tired. It was hot from all the fires going on, and loud from all the explosions, and gunfire. I just wanted a break, so I ran into a building that had already been dilapidated.
I thought I was alone, and could rest for a moment, but there was a Ishvalan boy about your age holding up in the house. He had a rifle in his hands, and we just stared at each other. We were both terrified. His hands were shaking, and so were mine. I had my arm stretched out, and my fingers together.
  I was ready, but I couldn't. I don't even think it was ten minutes, but it felt like such a long time that we stared at each other wondering who would strike first." Roy hunched over. Edward's face softened as he listened.
"Finally he lifted his gun, and when I saw the look in his eyes I knew he was going to shoot, so I shot first... I burned that boy alive in that house. Someone with so much life left. I will never forget it."
"During the exam when you had me, and you could have finished it, I saw you freeze, and your face was scared. You were pale, and your eyes looked strange to me like someone who was unconscious. I thought you were just hesitating, but you were back in that house weren't you? Staring at that boy." Edward felt a slew of emotions, but he wasn't angry with the general.
If anything he felt sorry for the man. The war was started, and manipulated by the homunculus. Edward felt that Roy, and the others were victims as well. They chose to participate, yes, but had then known the truth he knew they wouldn't have.
"I'm sorry." Roy whispered as tears began to fall from his eyes.
"Sir." Luna wrapped her arm around him.
"It's okay." Ed sighed, however, when Roy continued to apologize they realized he wasn't talking to them. They sat with him quietly for a while before Luna told the general to lay down. To her surprise he did. Luna smiled softly, and patted his head. He wasn't making any noise, but the tears were still falling steadily.
"Sir." Luna spoke softly.
"I was in Ishval. I lived there with my family. You might not know it, but you saved my life." She touched the stone around her neck. Roy closed his eyes. Saved her life? Me? He didn't believe it. He was too exhausted to speak about it anymore.
After the general fell asleep Edward sat outside on the porch with Luna.
"you were in Ishval?" He asked.
"Yes. My mother moved us there when she married an Ishvalan man. He adopted me as his daughter. We were so happy, but then the war began." She sighed.
"You said your mother gave you the stone?"
"Do you know anything at all about why she had it, or where she got it from?"
"I'm sorry." Luna shook her head.
"I didn't even know what a philosopher stone was until the general told me about how he lost his sight."
"Right." Edward believed her.
"I'll try to do some research. We can find out more about it together." He smiled at her.
"Thank you Edward." Luna nodded.
"I want to know why my mother had this, and why it was entrusted to me."
"You said that the general saved you?" Ed was curious.
"The day my parents died. Some soldiers tried to assault me. Someone shot them, and I know it was him. I remember an alchemist, and the soldiers told him to burn us. Another man was with him. I met that man's wife, and daughter the other day."
"Hughes?!" Edward was shocked.
"Yes, they both stood up for me, and when those two soldiers started ripping my clothes I heard the shot, and saw one of them go down. I know it was General Mustang who fired. I hear his friend Hughes call out his name."
"Wow!" Edward was amazed.
"You should tell Gracia when you see her again. I know she'd like to hear about Hughes helping someone."
"I will." Luna smiled.
"General Mustang told me a lot about him, and I know he was a good person."
"Yeah." Ed nodded.
"I don't know what happened after that. All the men were angry, and took them away. I ran as fast, and as far as I could before I fainted. Some doctors found me, and saved me."
"What did they look like?" Edward asked urgently.
"Blonde hair, and blue eyes. They were married, and so very kind."
"Those are Winry's parents!" Edward exclaimed.
"Really?" Luna smiled brightly.
"I knew I felt something familiar when I spoke to her today. She reminded me of the woman doctor."
"This is amazing." Edward smiled.
"We definitely have to tell her tomorrow. It will make her happy." He opened the front door.
"Let's go back to sleep."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21 ⏰

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