4.Blind love

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Ethan had always had a flair for the dramatic, often using his natural charm and a bit of deception to get by. But when he pretended to be blind during a party one night, he never expected it to lead to something more than just a fleeting joke.

That night, as he stumbled through the room, pretending to be disoriented, he bumped into Maya. She was a sweet, caring girl who instantly offered to help him navigate the crowded space.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there," she said, her voice full of concern. "Are you okay?"

Ethan, caught off guard by her kindness, decided to keep up the act. "I'm fine, thank you. Just having a bit of trouble finding my way around."

Maya gently took his arm, guiding him through the crowd, and spent the rest of the evening making sure he was comfortable. As the night went on, Ethan found himself drawn to her warmth and sincerity. But as much as he liked her, he couldn't bring himself to confess that he wasn't actually blind.

Days turned into weeks, and Maya and Ethan grew closer. They started meeting regularly, with Maya often taking Ethan to her favorite spots in the city, describing the beauty of the places they visited. Ethan, meanwhile, found himself falling for her, but the lie between them loomed large.

They spent more time together, Maya found herself falling deeper for Ethan. She admired his passion for music, the way his fingers danced over the keys of a piano or strummed the strings of a guitar. She couldn’t help but notice the way he truly saw the world, with a depth and sensitivity that captivated her.

One evening, Maya decided to visit Ethan at his home. She wanted to surprise him, maybe even confess her growing feelings. When she walked into his apartment, she was struck by the array of musical instruments scattered around the room—guitars, a piano, a violin—and something else caught her eye. On a table nearby, she saw contact lenses and other items that hinted at his vision being perfectly fine.

Her heart skipped a beat as the reality of his deception hit her again. But this time, instead of anger, she felt something else—an understanding, and even a bit of excitement. It was then that she noticed a black silk blindfold lying on the armrest of a chair. A playful idea sparked in her mind.

When Ethan entered the room, he found Maya holding the blindfold, a mischievous smile on her lips. "Care to play a game?" she asked softly, her voice laced with seduction.

Ethan raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "What kind of game?"

Without waiting for an answer, Maya tied the blindfold over her own eyes, the silk caressing her skin. She moved toward him, her hands reaching out until they found his chest. Ethan’s breath hitched as she slowly closed the distance between them, her touch electrifying.

"I want to see what it feels like," she whispered, her voice dripping with desire. "I want to feel what you feel."

Ethan stood frozen, his heart pounding as Maya guided his hands to her body. Her touch was soft but insistent, drawing him into her world of darkness. As she pressed her lips to his, a fire ignited within him, and he found himself surrendering to the moment.

Maya’s hands roamed over his body, exploring him with a hunger that matched his own. She pressed herself closer, guiding his fingers to trace the curves of her body. Ethan’s mind raced—he wanted to tell her the truth, to confess that he wasn’t blind, but the intensity of the moment overwhelmed him.

In the haze of their passion, Ethan began to play the role she believed him to be. He let her guide him, responding to her touch as though he truly couldn’t see. It was a strange, thrilling sensation—allowing himself to be led by her, trusting her completely as she took control.

As the night deepened, their connection grew more intimate. Maya, lost in her fantasy, kissed him with a fervor that sent shivers down his spine. She guided his hands to places that made him gasp, her breath hot against his skin. And as they finally came together, their bodies moving in perfect harmony, Ethan knew that he had fallen completely for her.

But beneath the pleasure and the passion, there was a pang of guilt that gnawed at Ethan’s heart. He was playing a dangerous game, and he knew it. Yet, as he held Maya close, listening to her breath slow in the aftermath of their lovemaking, he couldn’t bring himself to shatter the illusion. He had never felt anything so powerful, so consuming—and he wasn’t ready to let it go.

In the quiet darkness, Ethan made a decision. He would continue to play the role of the blind lover, at least for now. He would do anything to keep her love, even if it meant living a lie. Because in that moment, with Maya in his arms, he realized that he was as blind to the consequences of his deception as she was to the truth.

And so, as they drifted off to sleep, Ethan silently vowed to make her fall in love with him all over again—this time, for who he truly was.

But until then, he would remain in the darkness, guided by the light of her love.

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