Matchmaking Mayhem

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Y/N's eyes darted over the Avengers assembled before him: Tony, Clint, Thor, Bruce, Vision, Maria, and Kate. Behind him, his captors—Steve, Natasha, Yelena, and Bucky—stood watchful, ensuring the power-dampening cuffs on his wrists and the collar around his neck remained secure.

A murmur of his name caught his attention, and he glanced to the right. There, standing side by side, were his brother and sister, Pietro and Wanda. His breath hitched, and his heart pounded in disbelief. They were alive. The siblings stood frozen, their eyes locked in a silent, emotional reunion, struggling to comprehend the impossible.

Yelena sauntered over to Kate, her voice a low whisper, "He doesn't look very dead to me."

Wanda's eyes flared red with anger, her gaze snapping to Yelena. The intensity of her glare made Yelena raise her hands in immediate surrender. Wanda then turned her fiery gaze to Steve, Natasha, and Bucky. "If you don't get that off my brother in the next two seconds, you won't be breathing."

The urgency in her voice left no room for argument. They scrambled to remove the cuffs and collar from Y/N, knowing full well that Wanda's wrath was not something they could withstand. As the restraints fell away, Y/N felt a surge of power and relief, his eyes never leaving his siblings. The reunion was far from over, and the questions that hung in the air were just beginning.

The red in Wanda's eyes faded, returning to their natural green. She took a step closer to Y/N, her voice trembling with a mix of relief and confusion. "We were told you were dead. Strucker said you were dead. We saw your body... you were dead."

Y/N shook his head, his brow furrowed in concentration. "I don't remember that. I was taken for an experiment and woke up in a different base. Helena, Strucker's daughter, told me you both were dead."

Without another word, Wanda closed the distance between them, running into his arms and hugging him tightly. Y/N returned the embrace, both of them holding on as if letting go would make the other vanish.

Pietro, usually the epitome of cool, couldn't maintain his composure. He rushed to his siblings, wrapping his arms around both of them in a tight hug. The triplets stood there, united in their relief and disbelief, each afraid to let go, each silently vowing never to be separated again. The Avengers watched, a mix of emotions playing across their faces, knowing this reunion was just the beginning of a new chapter in their intertwined fates.

After what felt like hours, the triplets finally broke apart from their hug. Pietro and Wanda stepped back, their eyes widening as they took in Y/N's changed appearance. Where his hair had once been brown, it was now a striking mix of silver and red, mirroring Pietro's and Wanda's hair colors. His eyes, once a uniform blue, now held a striking difference—one eye was green, the other blue, reflecting the hues of his siblings' eyes.

Pietro's voice broke the silence, filled with a mix of awe and concern. "Y/N, what happened to you? Your hair, your eyes... they're like ours."

Wanda nodded, her gaze searching Y/N's face for answers. "And what about your powers? What did they do to you?"

Y/N took a deep breath, feeling the weight of their questions. "I don't know everything they did, but I have enhanced speed and reflexes now. I can move at incredible velocities." He paused, seeing the recognition in Pietro's eyes. "And I have telekinetic abilities. I can manipulate objects with my mind."

Wanda's eyes widened, a flicker of understanding passing between them. "Like me," she whispered.

Pietro stepped closer, placing a hand on Y/N's shoulder. "So, you have the same abilities as us. They made you like us."

Y/N nodded, a mixture of relief and determination in his eyes. "Yes, but we're together now. We'll figure this out, together."

The triplets shared a moment of silent resolve, their bond stronger than ever. The Avengers watched, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead, this newfound unity would be their greatest strength.

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