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The convenience store was a bastion of late-night monotony, the fluorescent lights flickering in their unceasing buzz. M/N leaned against the counter, absently rearranging items while the clock ticked slowly toward the end of his shift. He had turned off his phone earlier, desperate for a break from the barrage of messages and missed calls from Goo.

The doorbell jingled with the familiar sound of a customer entering. M/N looked up, expecting the usual random assortment of late-night snackers. Instead, Goo stormed in, his blond hair even more disheveled than usual, and his designer clothes rumpled as if he'd been wrestling with them.

"Seriously?" M/N muttered under his breath, recognizing the stormy look on Goo's face.

Goo's eyes locked onto M/N with an intensity that made the store's already stale air feel even heavier. "Well, well, look who's too busy to answer my calls,"

Goo said, his voice laced with a mix of irritation and something else—hurt.

M/N's face tightened as he tried to maintain his composure. "Goo, what are you doing here?"

Goo slammed his hands on the counter, leaning in close. "You vanished on me. Ninety-nine missed calls m/n, And you think you can just ghost me like that? What the hell is wrong with you?"

M/N's patience wore thin. "I needed space. You don't just waltz in and demand answers like that."

Goo's face hardened. "Oh, I don't? Well, let me make this clear. You're going to give me an explanation, or I'm going to make your shift a living nightmare. And if you think I'm kidding, just wait and see."

M/N raised an eyebrow. "And what exactly are you planning to do?"

Goo's smirk was anything but reassuring. "Let's just say I've got a few ideas. Starting with making sure you don't enjoy one second of your shift. You're not getting out of this until you talk to me."

Before M/N could respond, Goo jumped over the counter with a grace that belied his frustration. He began rummaging through the aisles with exaggerated movements, knocking items around and creating a general sense of chaos. His face was a mask of determination, clearly intent on making M/N's night as uncomfortable as possible.

M/N's attempts to ignore Goo's antics were futile. Goo grabbed a pack of condoms and held it up with a dramatic flair. "Look at this," Goo said loudly, his tone dripping with disdain. "This is what you left behind. Really?"

M/N's face flushed with embarrassment. "Are you seriously turning this into a critique show?"

Goo's smirk widened. "Oh, absolutely. And while we're at it—" he pulled out a more sophisticated, high-end box "—this is what we used last night, before you left me all alone in this morning."

He was obviously very bitter about the fact that m/n left without saying anything after spending the night together—maybe goo might have even opened up a little.

M/N sighed deeply. "Great, now we're comparing condoms in the middle of my shift."

Goo didn't let up. "You know, you could've at least given me a decent explanation. Instead, you left me alone on my bed with nothing but my thoughts and ninety-nine missed calls."

M/N tried to keep his cool but was clearly irritated. "And what, you think making a scene here is going to solve anything?"

Goo leaned on the counter, his expression a mix of frustration and vulnerability. "I'm not making a scene. I'm trying to understand why you vanished without a word. I opened up to you—something I don't do often. You think I'm just going to let that slide?"

M/N's irritation was palpable. "Well, maybe if you weren't so dramatic about everything, it wouldn't have been such a big deal."

Goo's eyes flashed with anger. "Dramatic? I'm trying to have a serious conversation, and you're treating it like a joke. I'm not asking for much—just a little honesty."

M/N's resolve remained firm. "I don't owe you anything. You've made it clear you're not here for a casual conversation."

Goo's frustration boiled over. "Fine. If you're not going to talk, then you can deal with this." He grabbed a handful of cheap snacks and scattered them around the store with reckless abandon, creating a mess. "Let's see how you handle this."

M/N glared at him, his patience wearing thin. "Are you done? I'm not going to entertain this nonsense."

Goo crossed his arms, clearly not backing down. "I'm not leaving until we sort this out. I'm not some toy you can just toss aside. You need to face up to this."

M/N shook his head, feeling the weight of Goo's demands. "This isn't a negotiation. I don't owe you explanations just because you're throwing a tantrum."

Goo's face twisted with a mix of anger and hurt. "You know what? Fine. I'll make sure you remember this night. I'll call you every hour until you pick up. I'll make sure your life here is as hellish as possible. And if you think that's an empty threat, just wait."

M/N's eyes narrowed. "You think you can bully me into talking? That's not how this works."

Goo's eyes were cold but determined. "Believe me, I can and I will. You're going to listen to me one way or another."

With that, Goo started causing more chaos, knocking over display racks and loudly debating the quality of various store items. M/N watched, torn between frustration and a grudging admiration for Goo's persistence.

As the night dragged on, Goo's antics only intensified. He climbed onto the counter, sprawled out, and made himself comfortable as if he had no intention of leaving anytime soon. The store's atmosphere became increasingly tense, a battleground of wills.

Finally, as M/N's shift was nearing its end, Goo's persistence showed no signs of abating. He stood near the counter, looking at M/N with an intense gaze. "You can keep playing this game, but I'm not going anywhere. Not until you give me a real answer."

M/N sighed, feeling the weight of the situation. "Alright, Goo. We'll talk..but only after I finish my shift."

Goo's expression softened slightly, though his frustration remained. "That's all I'm asking for. A chance to understand."

As the clock ticked down, M/N prepared himself for what was bound to be a long and difficult conversation. Goo's presence had turned his shift into an ordeal, but it had also forced him to confront the issues he had been avoiding. The night had been a whirlwind of emotions, but it had brought clarity to what lay ahead.

With Goo still making his presence felt, M/N knew that the upcoming conversation was going to be far from simple. But at least it would be honest.


Guys m/n is just scared of confrontation don't hate on him please.

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