The Ice Dragon and East Dragon

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(Okay, so this takes place a few days before Bad Weather. Also, Y/n has the ability to travel to places without the use of spells or celestial assistants, so enjoy!!)

Nobody pov/In an icy wonderland

The icy winds whispered through the barren trees, their bare branches reaching skyward like skeletal fingers. 

Snow crunched beneath Ao Bing and Ao Guang's feet as they walked side by side, their breath forming clouds in the cold air. 

The two dragons, clad in their human forms, strolled in companionable silence, their thoughts drifting as they caught up on matters both mundane and mystical.

The pond they approached was frozen solid, its surface a mirror reflecting the pale, wintry sky. The world around them seemed to hold its breath, as if awaiting something, someone, to break the stillness.

As they walked through the snowy forest, Ao Bing's gaze lingered on the frozen pond in the distance. "It's been centuries since we last took a walk like this," he mused, his breath visible in the cold air. "The world seems... quieter now."

Ao Guang nodded, his gaze distant as he took in the familiar sights. "Time has a way of reshaping the world and yet preserving its essence," he replied thoughtfully. "Do you remember when these forests were dense and teeming with life? The laughter of woodland spirits used to echo through these trees."

A soft smile played on Ao Bing's lips as memories surfaced. "And the mischief we got into with those spirits. I recall a certain incident involving a stolen moonflower and an angry guardian."

Ao Guang chuckled, the sound rich and warm against the cold air. "Ah, yes. We were young and reckless then. It's a wonder we didn't cause more chaos with our antics."

Their conversation shifted, taking on a more solemn tone as they walked deeper into the forest.

"Have you heard any news from the Eastern Seas?" Ao Bing asked, his voice tinged with concern. "There have been whispers of unrest among the water tribes."

Ao Guang's expression grew serious, lines of worry etching across his forehead. "Indeed, the balance has been disturbed. The tides have been unpredictable, and storms brew without warning. I've sent emissaries to investigate, but the cause remains elusive."

"Hmm," Ao Bing mused, his brows furrowing. "Perhaps it's a sign of greater upheaval to come. The elements have been restless lately. Even the winds carry a sense of unease."

They walked in contemplative silence for a few moments, each lost in their own thoughts. The quiet was broken only by the crunching of snow beneath their boots and the distant call of a lone bird braving the winter chill.

"Do you ever regret stepping back from the mortal realm's affairs?" Ao Bing asked suddenly, his gaze fixed ahead. "There was a time when our guidance was sought and valued."

Ao Guang considered the question before answering. "There are moments when I miss the interaction, the ability to influence and aid directly. But mortals must find their own paths, make their own choices. Interference, even with good intentions, can lead to dependency and imbalance."

"Wise words, as always," Ao Bing responded with a faint smile. "Perhaps you're right. Still, I can't shake the feeling that our presence could help restore some of the harmony that's been lost."

Before Ao Guang could respond, a faint, delicate melody began to weave through the trees, arresting their attention. The music was hauntingly beautiful, each note resonating with a purity that seemed to transcend the physical world.

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