Chapter 6: Shattered Normalcy

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In the days that followed, Annaliese's presence in the infirmary sparked a whirlwind of speculation among the students. Whispers about her situation spread like wildfire through Hogwarts, creating an undercurrent of gossip that rippled through every corner. The usual hum of chatter was now punctuated by excited murmurs and furtive glances as students eagerly shared what they had heard.

One afternoon during lunch, Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat around their usual table in the Great Hall, their plates barely touched as they engaged in their conversation. The lively atmosphere was abruptly interrupted when a cluster of Gryffindor students nearby began discussing the latest buzz with a mix of intrigue and disbelief.

"Did you hear?" a tall seventh-year whispered barely containing his excitement. "Someone saw Annaliese Hawthorne in the infirmary."

"Really?" a younger Gryffindor asked, his eyes widening.

Another student, with a skeptical tone, chimed in, "Yeah, I heard something happened during the summer holidays. Apparently, her magic backfired again. She's always had trouble with spells."

The conversation grew more intense as another voice added in a murmur, "I heard it was even worse. Apparently, she got hurt trying out a potion that went completely wrong. Probably messed it up just like she used to."

"Maybe she's been cursed or something," another Gryffindor speculated with an air of mystery. "With her luck, it wouldn't surprise me."

Hermione's expression tightened as she listened, her concern growing more evident. "Do you think there's any truth to this? I thought Annaliese was supposed to be taking the term off."

Harry, frowning as he considered the rumors, shook his head. "That's what we were told. It doesn't make sense for her to be in the infirmary if she's not supposed to be here."

Ron, ever the skeptic, shrugged with a casual air. "It could just be a mix-up or some wild story. Why would she be here if she's not meant to be?"

Hermione's concern deepened, her fingers drumming lightly on the edge of the table as she processed the conflicting information. "I'm going to find out for myself," she said with resolute determination. "If Annaliese really is in the infirmary, I need to make sure she's alright."

Harry and Ron exchanged knowing glances, understanding the urgency in Hermione's voice. Harry nodded in agreement. "We'll go with you," he said firmly.

Ron, though still somewhat skeptical, gave a supportive nod. "Yeah, if something's going on, it's better to know the truth."

Hermione rose from the table, her decision clear. "Alright, let's go," she said decisively. Without waiting for further discussion, she led the way with a purposeful stride, Harry and Ron following closely behind.

As they made their way to the infirmary, a palpable anxiety hung between them, each step echoing their unease. When they finally reached the entrance, they paused for a moment, exchanging anxious glances before Hermione took a deep breath and pushed open the door.

Inside, they saw Annaliese standing at the far end of the room, her gaze fixed on the window, her posture almost hauntingly vacant. She seemed like a distant figure, absorbed in a world beyond their reach.

Hermione's eyes widened in disbelief and relief. "Annaliese!" she exclaimed, her voice a mixture of astonishment and joy. Without waiting for a response, she dashed across the room and enveloped Annaliese in a tight hug.

Annaliese stiffened, her body going rigid as the unexpected embrace caught her completely off guard. Her mind raced to make sense of the warm, comforting pressure enveloping her. Bewilderment etched across her face, her eyes wide and unblinking as she struggled to process the sudden, unfamiliar closeness.

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