12. The Lower Level

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Four years later...

I wake up, my head throbbing. Damn it, I slept too long under the overpass.

I sit up the best I can, then scoot down the ramp until I can sit up fully.

I check my pockets to make sure I still have everything.

Knife, cigs, lighter, car.

Yeah, that's it. I crawl from under the overpass and stand up slowly.

I look around, nervous to be seen by anyone who would try to loot me. I don't see anyone, so I run quietly through the streets of lower Mount Rageous.

I jog until I get to a small shop, where it seems no one is inside. I crawl in through a broken window and make my way to the back.

I find a small office and lock myself inside. I take a few deep breaths, then relax in the dusty office chair waiting for me.

I cough into my arm, ignoring the glitter I get everywhere.

I sink down, my body grateful for the support of the chair. I pick my legs up and rest them on the desk, sighing at the feeling of them being elevated.

I look around the office, admiring the old calendar hung on the wall. I take in the minimal details and decor, liking how calm the vibes are in here compared to outside.

I wonder if this is a non-smoking office? I laugh to myself as I pull out my pack. I swivel lightly back and forth on the chair as I place a cig between my lips.

I light it, doing anything to pass the time now that I'm safe for a bit. I take a few hits before I look at the items on the desk, surprised any of them are still here.

I reach over and pick up a small Post-it note. I turn it over in my fingers before looking at the faded writing.


Huh, that's cute. Whoever's desk this is, Cindy I guess, was loved. Tons of love letters were written on Post-it notes that she kept in a small little section on her wall.

I look through them, admiring the cute messages. Aww... this one was after her honeymoon... oh, and this one was after her first baby.

I smile at the notes before setting them back on the wall. Hmm... I want to see if there are any Post-it notes left so I can write my own letters.

I search the desk and surprisingly find a small pack. I shove them into my pants' pockets, then steal a pencil and some tape.

If I ever want to write something on a Post-it, I can laminate it with the tape so it's reinforced.

I smile, feeling pretty proud of myself. Okay... now what? I don't actually have anything I want to write yet...

Oh well, I'm sure something will come to me.

I continue to smoke and rest my eyes, bored, yet safe for the moment, so I can't complain.

I let the cig sit between my lips, enjoying how quiet it is. I wish it was always this quiet. No one screaming, fighting... begging me to help them.

Hmm, maybe I'll come back to this office more often. I'd stay here overnight, but I'm worried about getting attacked since it's so far into the city.

At least under the overpass, I can hide in the weeds. Though the overpass doesn't have a nice chair... or a door that locks. But, you can never get to comfortable in one place.

That's how others can find you, find your stashes. It's so easy to track someone if they have a route.

Oh well, I won't think about all that now while I have peace. I finish my cig, then sigh. I smoked the cig so I wouldn't be hungry... but I'm still hungry. I guess I should try looking for food.

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