The Dance

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Okay... I love everything about u... Tonight was the most amazing night ever... It was something I will never forget... Me singing to u... Hands at ur waist... The kisses... Everything... Just perfect... The only reason I was shaking and almost passing out was anxiety and fear... When I seen u almost cry I wanted to just break down... I hate seeing u cry... Ur to... Never mind... U hate when people call u strong... But I know u r... And I love that the most about u... Ur amazing madison... And sometimes... I wish I wasent so good looking that I attract a crowd around me... And well... Im always gonna be urs... Before we left erica pulled me to the side and said thanks... But she didnt have to say it cause it was nothing... I told her I would and I came through with that... But between u and her... I had the best time with u... Even when u were mad... I just wanted to go away and cry... Then come back and hug u so tight it would hurt me... I hate that I seen like everyone cry and this guy was just like "dont cry... Hold it in... Just be strong" but once I got home... I went to the game room and broke down... Then josh came in and we played xbox... Then we talked about what happened but I had to lie because I wasnt suppose to kiss u... But this is just the pain talking but I really wish u were here... Just so I could kiss u one more time before the night says good bye...

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