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Defeating mission 1 has given me a sum of 20k credits to use.

Then I decided to go on Mission 2.

This one is vastly different from Mission 1.

Objective: Destroy all enemy units and retrieve the stolen GP02 unit.

In this mission, I'm tasked to give chase and retrieve a stolen Armor it seems.

But this time, I had help.

Meet the Albion, a Pegasus-class assault ship and it's armed. Equipped with AA assault guns, a missile bay and Mega particle cannons, I had a blast in commanding it.

Yes, command it.

In the duration of the mission, I'm in command of the ship and its MS unit, the GP01 Gundam Zephyranthes.

With a striking humanoid appearance and noble design, it looked like a knight straight from the stories of old. On its head are two horns, vertically aligned to form a letter V.

It's a humble Armor just like the Astray. Its equipment is simple, a Beam Saber for melee combat, a Beam Rifle in long range, Vulcans in very close range and a simple shield.

Pretty humble I would say.

You would think having a ship and another MS helping me will make this mission easy?

A big fat no.

We are up against three Dom Tropen and a Xamel.

Dom Tropens is bigger and meaner compared to the Zaku II and colored purple, the color of evil. Most importantly, their load out would make a Zaku II go greener in envy.

An improved and more powerful machine gun.

A Sturm Faust rocket launcher.

A much bigger and heavier Raketen Bazooka.

And a Beam Saber. I want this Beam Saber.

I'm gonna steal one.

For this mission, the battlefield is a barren and deserted mountain range. Perfect covering ground for the enemy for ambush points and strategic traps.

Even with a ship, it will be a hard task.

So I devised a plan.

Using the Astray, I will fly overhead and try to find as many enemy units in the area and their locations for a ship missile bombardment. Meanwhile, the GP01 will traverse the treacherous mountains, searching for any stragglers I can't find and spring whatever trap they laid down.

The Albion meanwhile will cruise at low altitudes to hide between the mountains for low profile until bombardment.

It was a decent plan.

Until the Xamel fucked it up.

I got killed flying overhead twice before I wise up and change tactics.

You see, the Xamel is no MS/Armor. It's a Mobile Armor. Standing over 27 meters tall, it was the second biggest moving object I've ever seen in my life (the Albion ship being the second).

At first, it looked unassuming due to its bulk and stubby arms but it packed an entire wallop. On its legs and huge back skirt, it had a hover system that propelled it off the ground, giving it the ability to move fast for its size.

But its true danger comes from its arsenal.

A Gun cannon and Missile tube launchers.

The Gun cannon is a huge long tube cannon strap and folded on its back. Capable of firing effectively in a massive range.

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