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Author's notes.

This is the end of book one of my Gundam crossover series.

Sequel is a Sidestory (not book 2) to build up the team from the ground up after losing so badly.

For now, I'll give you a preview of the upcoming sequels:

G-system 1 (Human History/Memories/Skill/Experience)

Found in: Kuroinu
Activated and Reclaimed by Mika

G-system 2 (Mobile Suit Archives)
In another world where humanity thrived, the G2 unit has been compromised and hacked. It's contents stolen by a rabbit.

G-system 3 (Biotechnology)
The G3 unit was damaged overtime and exposed the world of its contents, creating a world where God's had risen and humanity fell.

G-system 4 (NewType)
-No Data Found-

G-system 5 (Data not found)

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