Death and Life

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[A/N: Yokoso. Watashi no Soul Society. Also known as my new book.]

Talking: You are my special

Thinking: 'c h e e s e'

Announcement/Move: Hado #96: Itto Kaso

Enjoy :)

??? | ??? | ???

2nd Person POV

???: Satou Kazuma-san, [Y/N] [L/N]-san welcome to the afterlife. Unfortunately, you've died. It might've been short, but your life's now over.

As you hear those words, you can't be helped to be confused by the sudden turn of events. One moment you were walking down the street, and then the next moment you die.

Regarding the person who spoke to you, it was a girl of...

(Author, do i seriously have to say it?

SomeoneWhoExists: I don't want to either, and i'm too lazy to find another narrator.

I'm not doing this whether you like it or no-

SWE: I'll buy you Project Wingman.

It was a girl of unparalleled beauty. She had long, silky smooth blue hair and wore a cute outfit that matched her blue eyes and hair. Aaaand that's it, put in a picture for reference and call it a day.

 Aaaand that's it, put in a picture for reference and call it a day

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Looking to your right, you see a boy  about your age. He had chestnut-brown colored hair and green eyes, wearing a green and black tracksuit.

[A/N: LN Kazuma looks better, change my opinion]

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[A/N: LN Kazuma looks better, change my opinion]

The boy named Kazuma then spoke up.

Kazuma: ...May I ask a question?

Girl: Go ahead.

Kazuma: The girl I saved, is she still alive?

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