Chapter 32

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"I have waited for this opportunity for more than half a century, to repeat to you once again my vow of eternal fidelity and everlasting love." - Gabriel Garcia Marquez

The next day dawned like a ticking time bomb. I could feel the tension in the air, thick and suffocating, as if the universe was holding its breath. The sunlight streamed through the palace windows, but instead of warmth, it brought a cold clarity. Today was the day we were going to face the world, and the world wasn't going to be kind.

My heart hammered against my ribcage as I walked toward the room where the video statement would be recorded. Each step felt like it was pulling me deeper into quicksand. My nerves were a live wire, sparking with anxiety that threatened to short-circuit my brain. But then, there was Alex, his hand warm and steady in mine, pulling me back from the edge.

When we reached the room, I was greeted by the sight of cameras, lights, and a small crew of royal staff. The air buzzed with a sense of impending doom, and I could feel my pulse pounding in my temples. This was it. This was the moment when everything we had built could either start to mend or completely shatter.

Alex's hand squeezed mine, and I looked up at him. It was like staring at a stranger and someone I knew better than myself all at once. Gone was the easygoing man who made me laugh until I cried. In his place was the Crown Prince of England, every inch the royal heir. He was dressed in full formal attire, the royal crest gleaming on his chest like a shield. His eyes, usually so warm and inviting, were now sharp, focused. It was as if he had slipped into a suit of armor, ready for the battle ahead.

Seeing him like this was both awe-inspiring and terrifying. For the first time, I realized that he wasn't just Alex, the man I had fallen in love with. He was the future king, and today, he was stepping into that role with a seriousness that made my breath catch. And yet, even with all that formality, there was still a glint of something softer in his gaze when he looked at me. It was a reminder that beneath the crown, he was still my Alex.

The crew scurried around, making last-minute adjustments, and I felt like I was about to walk the plank. The script Deepti had so carefully crafted was laid out in front of me, but the words felt hollow, like an empty echo of what I actually wanted to say. My heart was pounding so hard I was sure everyone could hear it.

When the director gave the signal that we were live, I took a deep breath, summoning every ounce of composure I had. My voice came out steady, even as I felt the walls closing in around me. The script was perfect-every word carefully chosen to paint a picture of strength, resilience, and innocence. But it was all an act, a mask I had to wear to protect myself, to protect us.

I talked about my upbringing, my achievements, my dedication to the crown, all while fighting the urge to scream. The camera captured every blink, every twitch of my lips, every forced smile. Alex's presence beside me was my lifeline, his hand resting lightly on my knee beneath the table, a silent reminder that I wasn't alone in this.

When I finished, I turned slightly to Alex, my heart pounding. This was his moment, and I had never needed him more. He gave me a small nod before he began to speak, and the air in the room shifted.

"Today, we stand before you not just as individuals, but as partners," Alex's voice cut through the tension like a knife. There was no hesitation, no doubt, just pure, unfiltered determination. "The accusations against Nia are not only false but deeply offensive. I know her better than anyone, and I can say with absolute certainty that she is a woman of integrity, strength, and grace. She has stood by me through challenges that would have broken others, and I will stand by her now."

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