Mark : My Type

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I'm alone in the next class... Because Bambam's stupidness... The three of us need to be seperated... But well... One of us has to make Bambam study... So the teacher made Youngjae the hell of the genius to make Bambam study.

Well that makes me alone in the next door class... I heard the other class had a new girl... That make the great Choi Youngjae laugh! Wow that's awesome!! Youngjae usually just laugh around the group.

Well... I never want to get involved to a girl anyway... Too tiring... I need a quite and cute girl as my type... Not a bad girl that likes to play around...

Well just 30 minutes till recess is over! Need to run to the canteen!!

I ran fast to the canteen not wanting to waste my time on girls screaming over me...


Ouch! I think I hit someone!

"Oopps... Sorry.." I rubbed my head

"What the hell Mark... You just knock out the new girl" I know this voice very well...

"What are you doing Bambam? Who is she?"

"Uuuh... Youngmi.. This is my friend from LA Mark, Mark Tuan... And Mark... This is the new girl Ji Youngmi.."

She smiled cutely to me without saying anything...

"Hey.. Bambam... Why isn't she talking?" I whispered

"Oh she had a bad troath today and can't talk much... But I think she doesn't talk that much anyway.."

A quite and cute girl? Not going crazy over the members? So my type... I think I'll hang around with her today..

"Hey, Youngmi.. Sorry for knocking you over... I'll treat you lunch today okay?"

She finally spoke.. "It's okay.. You don't have to do that.."

"Really I felt guilty... Kaja yo.."

"Okay then sure.."

I heard her friend just whispered

"Whoa Youngmi... Bambam and Mark at the same day.. Wow you're something... Maybe they get how cute you are hahaha"

And Bambam just whispered to me
"Mark... I'm trying to get to know her... I need a good image for her to like me... Don't ruin this for me kay?"

"Ya! Me too! I'm want to get close to her too!"

We walked to the canteen and saw a bunch of girls staring at Youngmi... Are they jealous of her? Are they going to bully her because of us... The last time I got close to a girl the other bullied her until she dropped out of the school... So I talked out loud

"Hey everyone!! I only Knocked her out today so I want to say sorry by treating her lunch so don't you dare give a wrong assumption.."

Now I saw all the girls relieved and started doing their things again..

Then I felt Youngmi tugged on my uniform and whispered " Thank you for doing that.." Then she smiled...

I suddenly feel my heart just jolted on her smile... But then Bambam took her hand and started getting familiar with her...

Then I feel... Kinda... Wierd like... I don't want Bambam to be around her.. But maybe it's just my guts anyway...

"So Youngmi... Is A burger okay?"

"Sure thank you Mark oppa..."

"Oppa?? Aren't we the same age?"

"Yeah... But I like your image treating me like this... You're just like an oppa.. " she giggles

Damn she just gets cuter... I suddenly felt my face became hot..

"Mark?? Gwenchana yo? Your face is red..."

"Nah really it's okay... Here's your burger... Gotta go bye!" Then I ran away as fast as I could... What's wrong with me? This is the first time I acted like this in front of a girl...

What I Got?? IGOT7 in my life [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now