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Happy Labor Day! (To those who celebrate) I just use this time off for a little R&R, but I figured what better way to celebrate than posting another chapter and two days in a row none the less! I hope you guys are enjoying The Dad Batch as I am having a lot of fun writing this cute little fluffy story. We start to see more of Emilee's little 'secret' and who knows what else unfolds! Anyways I hope you all have a great day!

"It's not an exact fit." Tech stated as he adjusted an old comm-band to Emilee's arm.

"You're giving me a comm device?" Emilee asked. Wrecker was bench pressing Gonky behind her.

"Technically it was Crosshair's, but he doesn't appear to need it." Tech said.

"But what if this Crosshair comes back?" She tilted her head.

"We'll find him another." Tech said.

Emilee seemed satisfied with this answer and pressed some buttons on the armband. "Are we sure this still works?" She asked and her question was heard on all the boy's comm-links.

Echo cleared his throat. "Emilee, it's not a toy."

"I'm sorry." Emilee looked down at the ground. Tech carefully grabbed her arm and continued making adjustments. "Why are we going to Ord Mantell? I thought the idea was to lay low and that planet is definitely not the place."

Hunter, who was at the comm-computer, turned around in the chair. "Not while a bounty hunter's after you. We need to find out why."

Emilee looked down at the ground. "I think laying low is perfectly fine." She mumbled. Hunter picked up on her unease.

"I know an informant there named Cid who might be able to help." Echo spoke up.

Cid? Emilee thought. Why does that name sound familiar?

"And you trust him?" Wrecker asked.

"Well the Jedi trust him." Echo stated. Emilee turned and looked at Echo.

"The... the Jedi." She stuttered.

"The Jedi who are all dead?" Tech added.

Emilee pulled her arm away from Tech. He let her go and slowly backed away from them. Hunter raised an eyebrow towards her.

"Well, anyone have a better option?" Echo asked. No one said anything. They all watched Emilee sit on the cots and fidget with her new comm.


Emilee looked around as she and the group of clones walked through the seedy streets of what was Ord Mantell. She tightened her grip on her backpack.

"Remember the rules?" Hunter looked at her.

"Don't wander off, keep my eyes and ears on my surroundings, and trust no one but you four." Emilee recounted the rules.

"And if you get into trouble?" Echo added.

"Runaway." Emilee looked at Echo. She could feel the disappointed look on Echo. She sighed. "Use my comm and tell you my location."

"Better." Echo said and the group walked up to a parlor. There were a pair of dice on the sign. "This is the place."

"Charming." Tech said and Echo entered the parlor first.

The boys took off their helmets as they walked into the parlor. It was empty for the most part. There were only two patrons and a worker.

"Filthy cheat!" The Ithorian accused the Weequay he was with. "I saw that!"

"Me?" The Weequay gasped. "Who are you calling a cheat?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02 ⏰

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