vi. "special celebration"

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CHAPTER SIX !! -> "special celebration "

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-> "special celebration "

Dolores stared at her phone, contemplating whether or not to text him. She knew Jude had been busy with training, but there was something she needed to ask. After a moment of hesitation, she quickly typed out a message.

Hey, Jude. I hate to bother you, but I was wondering if you could help me with something?

She hit send and immediately regretted it. Her phone buzzed almost instantly.

Jude: Hey, doll I’m actually getting ready for a match right now, but what’s up?
Dolores bit her lip, feeling a little guilty for interrupting him.

Dolores: Oh, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to bother you. It’s nothing urgent, really!
She could imagine him shaking his head with a smile.

Jude: It’s fine, really. You’re not bothering me.

Dolores felt a little lighter and decided to tease him a bit.

Dolores: Well, if you say so… I was going to ask if you needed a good luck charm for your match, but maybe I’ll save that for someone else, like Mbappé or Carvajal.

She smirked at her phone, waiting for his reply.

Jude, who was tying his boots in the locker room, read the message and couldn’t help the wide grin that spread across his face. His teammate, noticing, nudged him playfully.

“What's got you grinning like an idiot, Jude?”

Jude laughed, shaking his head as he typed a response.

Jude: Well, now I have to explain to my teammates why I’m grinning like an idiot.

Dolores giggled at the image of him being teased by his teammates.
Dolores: Serves you right!

Jude: You know, I could use a little extra motivation for today’s match. How about this: If I score, you have to wear my jersey for a week straight.

Dolores raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the challenge.

Dolores: Oh, really? And what if you don’t score?

Jude: Then you can cheer for whoever you want. Mbappé, Carvajal, whoever. Deal?

Dolores hesitated for a second before sending her response.

Dolores: Deal. But don’t expect me to go easy on you!

Jude chuckled, closing his locker.

Jude: Wouldn’t want it any other way. Just be ready to wear my jersey. And, Doll?"

Dolores: Yeah?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01 ⏰

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