v. " lingering touches "

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CHAPTER FIVE !"lingering touches"

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"lingering touches"

The next day, Jude Bellingham walked into the Castillo Café, expecting to see Dolores’s familiar smile as she worked behind the counter. The café was filled with the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods, its cozy interior warmly lit by the morning sun filtering through the windows. Instead of Dolores, he found her sister, Sierra, bustling around the café, expertly balancing the demands of a busy morning.

As he approached the counter, he noticed a small, elegantly wrapped box of sweets labeled with his name sitting on the counter. Sierra caught his eye and smiled warmly, brushing a stray lock of hair from her face.

“Hey, Jude! Dolores left this for you,” she said, sliding the box toward him.

Jude raised an eyebrow, curious. “For me? What’s the occasion?”

Sierra shrugged playfully, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “Just a little thank you for coming by. She thought you might like some of our new creations.”

Jude picked up the box, feeling a mix of surprise and appreciation as he imagined Dolores carefully selecting the treats. “Wow, that’s really nice of her. Wait how much are these?"

Sierra looks at the sweets inside and replies "50 dollars"

Jude sighs "That sly fox" He looks around and asks Sierra "But, um… where is Dolores today?”

Sierra’s smile dimmed slightly as she explained, “Our mom’s a bit under the weather, so Dolores stayed home to help her out.”

Jude felt a pang of concern and shifted his weight, glancing back toward the door as if he might catch sight of Dolores after all. “Is she okay? Is there anything I can do?”

Sierra shook her head, her expression grateful yet reassuring. “I’m sure they’ll be fine. But thanks for asking. Dolores really wanted to be here, but family comes first.”

Jude nodded, understanding completely. “Of course. Can you make me one of those lattes she made last time?"

Sierra chuckled, already reaching for the espresso machine. “Coming right up. I’ll do my best to match her skills.”

As Sierra prepared the latte, expertly grinding the coffee beans and steaming the milk to the perfect consistency,

Jude’s mind wandered back to Dolores. Despite only having known her a short time, he found himself missing her presence, the warmth of her laughter, and her infectious optimism.

After leaving the café, Jude made a quick detour to a local florist, picking out a bouquet of cheerful daisies and sunflowers, which he hoped would brighten their day. The flowers were vibrant, their petals almost glowing with color, and he thought they mirrored Dolores’s sunny disposition.

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