Ch. 1: The People He Loved Most

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Tripmine had a family, a rich family. Since he was born in Blackrock, one of the richest factions out there, he was one of the luckiest kids to live in such a wealthy family.

His mother was the kindest and sweetest person he has ever met. She would always listen to Tripmine and his little imagination, and the rants about how one day in the future he wanted to work as one of the greatest inventors and boss everyone around. His mom was one of the higher ups and she was a scientist herself. Her job was serious, creative, and mysterious. He felt so lucky. He wanted to be just like her.

His father, however, was not the best dad to Tripmine. He was always harsh to Tripmine. His father was rude and tough over him. He never cared about him, never gave him any attention, and always yelled for every mistake he made.

Tripmine was very young, and most of the time he didn't understand why he was being yelled at most of the time. He was diagnosed with "attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder" at the age of eight. His habits of moving around and never staying still caught his parents' attention. But still, he didn't understand why he was getting constantly yelled at.

His mom would tell him that his father has "anger issues" and he didn't mean what he said. Tripmine couldn't do anything else but believe her.

Luckily for him, his mom was always there to make sure he was okay. Every time his father yelled at him, his mother would try her best to defend him. At night, when Tripmine cried because of his dad, his mom would come in his room and sing a song for him. It was a lullaby about a bird. A song about how the bird would soar through a rough rainstorm and reach it's home safely. Tripmine loved the song. The way his mother sang was so... angelic. It was soothing and beautiful. He would fall asleep every single time before she could even finish the song.

At home wasn't the best sometimes, but at school, it was the best for Tripmine. His energetic voice and personality always gave him an advantage to make friends. He was chatty and polite to everyone. He was basically friends with the whole class and teacher, but except for one person.

There was a student who was really shy than the other kids. He barely talked, and usually spoke barely above a whisper. He had light green horns that were similarly carved into deer antlers with a small green crystal floating in between. Tripmine knew the kid. They were alike for having crystals on their heads, except Tripmine had two horns on each side of his head and his horns were red. Barely anyone noticed this little kid. Only a few kids recognized him, and Tripmine was one of those few kids.


Medkit was part of a rich family in Blackrock too, and they so happened to have their parents know each other from work. What luck!

During class, Tripmine would try to talk with Medkit, since they sat next to each other. It was hard for Tripmine to communicate with Medkit. He barely said a word. It was a new challenge for Tripmine, but eventually he managed to accomplish it. Medkit felt more and more comfortable with Tripmine around, and they talked more often. Soon they were officially friends.

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