chapter 1

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"oh shit.." Johnny mumbled as he finally woke up in her bed, rubbing his eyes. He sat up in her bed, racing his hands through his hair, trying to fix it without a mirror and ultimately giving up. He looked over at his girlfriend, Hailee, sitting at her desk, fully dressed and clearly studying.

"Is that all you ever do?" Johnny asked as he walked over to her desk shirtless "No, it isn't" She said to him as she looked up at him. "I also work, fight with you, Reed, and Ben."

"You're forgetting about Susan again.." He teased playfully as he leaned down and kissed her on the side of the head. "But I know the little water nymph also likes me being with me..." "oh really?" *she teased as she stood up next to him "its funny coming from the Human Torch"

"hey leave me alone.." He teased playfully as he looked around her room and found his shirt on the floor. he walked over, picked it up and put it on. He fixed his shirt once he put it on and turned to look over at her. He noticed her stare and asked, "What?"

"Nothing..." She mumbled softly as she turned to her phone and started texting a friend of hers. After a couple minutes of texting her friends, she noticed him putting a Paramore album on her record player, starting it and switching it to one of her favorite songs, The Only Exception, then going back to her bed so he could lay down again. She smirked, knowing it was one of his favorite things to do even though he knew it messed with her head, in a good way of course. She opened her phone as she shifted on her chair as she scrolled through her social media for a couple minutes. Soon after, she scrolled through her News app and found something about them. "The Fantastic Four or the Furious Five?", it read. She scoffed as she screenshotted it and sent it to Reed.

"The hell is this?" She texted him. She knew Johnny didn't care much about their team, but she knew Reed did. She looked at the article some more, since she knew that Reed never looked at his phone, and frankly, wouldnt notice if it were missing.

After what felt like forever, even though it had been literally thirty minutes, she sighed got up from her desk, and walked over to her bed. She climbed onto her bed and cuddled up to Johnny, resting her head on his chest and placed a hand on his stomach. She felt him wrap one of his arms around her waist gently and kiss her on her head. "hailee.." Johnny whispered sweetly, "please tell me that you'll never try to dry me out with those water powers of yours.."

"I would never.." Hailee whispered softly as she rubbed her hand on his stomach gently. "but hey... we should be happy right now.. my parents finally let you stay over!"

"i know sweetheart.." Johnny whispered softly as a buzz on his phone caught his attention. "damn.. its not even 10am and Reed is already texting us.." "really?" Hailee asked softly, sitting up on her bed to check their groupchat, knowing she probably caused the message in the first place.

"Meet me at the bell tower, 11pm tonight" Reed texted the two of them, Ben, and Susan. "Whats this about?" Johnny asked softly, looking up at her. "No idea.." she whispered softly.

10:32pm, somewhere in the woods of Northern Maine

"So what does Reed want with us this late at night?" Susan asked, visibly annoyed and tired. Johnny shrugged as he leaned on the rusty bell tower. "I just want to know why this ancient thing is in the middle of the woods.." Hailee said as she stomped on some of the crunchy leaves, shivering slightly as it had gotten much colder since fall started.

"Well, to be fair we do live in Maine.." Susan objected teasingly as she started picking at the rust of the bell tower. They heard a crunch of the leaves as they heard both Reed and Ben walking towards the three of them. "Look who decided to show up early!" Johnny sneered as Ben and Reed finally approached the three of them.

"Be quiet Johnny" Reed said as Ben went and sat against the rusty bell tower tiredly. "So, what are we here for?" Hailee asked as she leaned against the bell tower tiredly. "and why did you want us here so late at night?"

"Because we got to talk about some stuff. Johnny, Would you mind?" Ben said as he put a pile of sticks on the ground. "Sure" He said as he ran away slightly far from the group. "Flame on!" He shouted as his body engulfed in flames. He directed some fire onto the sticks near the group but accidentally lighting some nearby tree's on fire.

"I got this.." Hailee joked as she walked over to nearby pond that she knew about and used the pond water to stop the fire. she walked back over to the group and splashed some water into Johnny's face teasingly. "Be lucky I love you"

"Shut up" Johnny teased as the five of them sat around the fire. Hailee cuddled up to Johnny as he wrapped an arm around her waist gently. Susan sat in between Ben and Hailee and Reed sat next to Ben and Johnny. "Seriously though, Why are we here?" Ben asked Reed as he warmed his hands up near the fire

Reed sighed softly before he spoke "Well, its mostly just about us.." Susan scoffed as she looked into the distance for a moment* "What do you mean us? The people here have never had problems with us.." "Well that's because theres never any problems here. The only problems that even exist here are things that the local police can deal with." Hailee objected. "And I doubt that the people here even know that we're mutants"

"Hey, Don't call us mutants" Reed said to her in a serious tone "Why not? That's what we are!" Hailee said to him as she felt Johnny squeeze her waist gently. "But listen, thats not why we're here. I asked you guys to come here because I think we should relocate." Reed said to the group.

"What do you mean relocate?" Johnny asked him "We should go somewhere where people actually need us. Like New York or Washington D.C." Reed said "New York and D.C are way to expensive for us to live in" Susan said to him "I mean, hell, all of us can barely afford to live here. And, if we're still trying to be realistic, are you sure the government would want our help? I mean look at us.."

"Susan's right.." Ben said to Reed "If the government and the people don't need us, why should we go somewhere more expensive and more demanding just for the slim chance that they do need us?" Reed sighed softly, knowing he was probably right. "Listen, Reed, We know you wanna be a hero. But some things happen for a reason.." Hailee said to him, looking at him across the fire. "Like us getting our powers.." Susan said "Or us being friends.." Johnny added softly, squeezing hailee's waist gently.

"I know.." Reed whispered under his breath softly, wiping his eyes softly from the tiredness. "I should get going.. it's late and I have plans tomorrow" Susan said she got up from the ground, wiped off her clothes and started for her house. "Me too..." Ben said as he got up and started off for his home, leaving Johnny, Hailee and Reed behind.

"Listen Reed, We know you want to do whats right.. but lets face it. The only thing we can do is try and pretend we're normal" Hailee said to him gently "But we got our mutantions for a reason!" Reed protested to her. "and we'll deal with them later.. but for now, just try and live a normal life." She told him as she used her powers to kill the fire. She patted him on the back softly, as she passed by him, hand in hand with Johnny, walking towards her house. "See you later, Reed!" Johnny called out before disappearing into the neighborhood nearby with Hailee.

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