What's your favorite color?.

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Spooky decided to make a sleepover for the group to come over everyone showed up but Xavier and Quinn. Quinn ended up catching a bad cold a little after the party. Xavier ended up taking care of her. Malikiah ended up coming also but stood in Stella's room half the time.

Everyone huddled up on spooky's bed chilling as they watch American horror story. Kiri already scared hiding under Kat's shirt. Missing his buddy Mal to hide with when watching "scary" things.

Kiri:Where is Mal man! Didn't he literally come in with us?!
Spooky:I'm positive he's in my sister's room right now, they might be working on a project for school.
Kat:Ri-Ri why the fuck are you being a pussy this shit isn't even scary and spooky are you sure they aren't doing anything..freaky. I doubt it your sister and Mal aren't freaks like you and Alec.
Alec:WHAT!. I'm not a freak..that's all spooky.
Kiri:This is scary Kat! But this is like a double date right now.
Spooky:I know my sister isn't doing anything because that literally is also my little sisters room to. And I'm not THAT freaky.
Kat: Why would I wanna be on a double date with these losers.

Kiri flicks Kats nipple with his somewhat freshly new piercing on it causing him to moan in pain a little bit. "And WE'RE THE FRAEKS?" Spooky hugs Alec closer wiggling away from the two other boys. Kiri gets out of Kat's shirt. "GUYS CAN WE GO TO THE BEAUTY STORE I NEEDA RE-DYE MY HAIR MY ROOTS ARE SHOWING TO MUCH. Also I need to cut my hair." "Uh yea we can go to the store I was thinking bout doing something with my hair just put your guys shoes on so we can go" spooky puts on his shoes heading down to his car. Everyone else runs down getting in spooky's car, Alec in the passenger seat and kiri and Kat in the back.

"Alright we're here let's go." Spooky gets out the car and everyone else locking the door as soon as everyone gets out. Heading right to the hair dye section. Kiri grabbing the hair dye he normally gets and a new pair of hair scissors. "Yo kiri is that hair dye good?" Spooky grabbing the same one. "Yea it's really good! It's the one I normally get and it says this color for a long time! Why you planning on dying your hair red?" "Uh yea. Just the some little areas in my hair since it's Alec's favorite color..he's going to dye his purple also just the tips. Is there a purple color from this brand?" Kat grabs the hair dye and bleach handing it to spooky. "Here, you're also going to need the bleach since you both have black hair." "Alright thanks Kat you aren't going to dye your hair?" Spooky grabs the items. "Hell fuckin no. I am not damaging my beautiful blonde hair. I'm just going to help kiri with his hair."

"Blah blah blah. Anyways let's go cash out so we can dye our hair!" Spooky grabs Alec's hand running to the cashier to pay before kiri. "So this is the purple to dye my hair with?" "Yup! This one is exactly my favorite color" Spooky pays for the dye and kiri as well paid after all the boys getting back into the car driving back to spooky's place. "Alright so who gon dye their hair first? There is enough space for all of us to fit in my bathroom but I feel like dye is going to fly everywhere..." "I think you and Alec should go first since both of you guys are dying y'all hair. Plus it's your bathroom anyways me and Kat can wait." Spooky takes out the dye and starts to mix everything together same with the bleach bringing it to the bathroom. "Alright! Come on Alec come to the bathroom."

Alec runs over to the bathroom. "I think we would take off our shirts so they won't get bleach and dye on them.." Spooky removes his shirt and Alec as well. "Alright lover want me to do you first?" Spooky still mixing the bleach. Kiri knocks on the door. Alec opening it "now why are you guys shirtless..never mind! Do you have tin foil? It's good to use it for the bleach and hair dye." "We're shirtless because we don't want the bleach to stain our shirts but yea there is tin foil in the cabinet downstairs in the kitchen if you can't find it ask my mom she's down there right now cooking." "Wait that's actually a good idea..alright I'll be right back!" Kiri runs down to the kitchen. "Hello Ms Celeste! Do you have tin foil? Can I get the whole roll of it?" Celeste turns back. "Oh hey kiri and yea I do have tin foil" she passes him the whole roll "thank you!" Running back to the room knocking on the door. Spooky opens the door with Alec sitting on top of the toilet with bleach in his hair. "Perfect timing!" Spooky grabs the tin foil closing the door ripping them up into small strips. Wrapping them around the tips of Alec's hair. All around his bangs.

"Alright I'll bleach your hair while mine turns blonde!" Alec stands up sitting Spooky on top of the toilet. Adding bleach around the bang area where Spooky wanted it. Adding the tin foil around where all the bleach was at. Spooky mixing the dye "the dye smells kind of good not ganna lie.." Spooky stands up sitting Alec down on the toilet. Removing the foil. "Omg it's really blonde!" Alec opens his phone camera "it's cute! But the purple on me would look 10 times better." Alec smiles at Spooky, spooky pushing Alec's face "don't say shit like that man." Alec secretly recording Spooky dye his hair. "You know this is going to look really cute one you once it fully sticks on to your hair. Even though you're already cute.." Spooky washes up the remaining hair dye that was in the bowl. "Should I wash my hair now or wait till I do your hair?" Spooky still washing the bowl. "You needa wait 30 minutes lover so do my hair while we wait." Alec gets up to dye spooky's hair infront of him while he's still cleaning the bowl. "Hey come on let me finish washing this bowl.." smiling at Alec. "Well I'm already almost done!" Alec adds a bit more of dye in his hair and it was done. "Alright I'm done!" Adding tin foil on his hair and washing the boil now. Spooky lays his head on Alec's shoulder making sure not to lay any dye on him.

Spooky and Alec get out of the bathroom. "Kiri do you want to dye your hair now or Atleast bleach it? Me and Spooky need to wait 30 minutes before washing our hair." "Oh yea! Kat normally does it fast, faster than me. We'll be quick!" Kat was already mixing the dye and bleach. Kiri taking off his shirt leaving it on Spooky's bed heading into the bathroom. Kat closing the door behind them. "Alright sit down to I can add the bleach to your roots." Kiri sits on the toilet smiling at Kat. Kat flicks his forehead but then kisses him. Kiri complains, Kat smiling at him while adding the bleach to his roots. "Oh you big baby." Kiri tugs on Kat's waist so that he sits on his lap. "That was rude." Kissing Kat on his neck. "Kiri no we aren't at your house plus your scalp about to start burning." Right when he says that his scalp burns. "AH KAT IT HURTS." Kat brings Kiri's head under the sink washing the bleach out. Drying it off so he can add the dye. "Alright relax we needa move fast." Kat adds the dye all over Kiri's hair adding the foil all over his hair. Walking out the bathroom to let Spooky and Alec into the bathroom so they can wash the dye off.

"Alright sit on the floor so I can wash off the dye." Alec sits on the floor while spooky brings down the water shower head turning on the water on a low water setting. With warm water on slowly rinsing out the dye and adding shampoo then conditioner washing his hair. "Alright I'm down with your hair lover." Spooky dries off Alec's hair keeping the towel wrapped on his head. Alec stands up letting Spooky sit in the spot where he was sitting. Rinsing the die out his hair adding the shampoo and conditioner right after but the water was a little hotter since that's how Spooky liked it. Turning off the water and putting the water head back up. Spooky already drying up his hair with the towel. They get out the bathroom Alec handing Kiri his towel so he can dry his hair afterwards. Kiri and Kat both going into the bathroom. "Alright sit Ri-Ri." Kiri sits down closing his eyes getting comfortable. Kat bringing the shower head back down on the water level kiri likes. Doing all the steps to rinse and clean his hair. Kat puts the water head back. To notice that kiri was sleeping through out the whole thing. He dries off his hair causing him to wake up. "I was knocked out." Kat helps him up. "Yea and I rinsed your hair for only 15 minutes." Both boys walk out the bathroom to see Alec and Spooky taking turns blow drying their hair. "CAN I BLOW DRY MINES!" "Come here Kiri!" Kiri running over sitting in front of both of them all taking turns with the blow dryer. "You fucking idiots." Kat sits on Spooky's chair by his guitars.

Malikiah runs to Spooky's room. "GUYS DO I LOOK PRETTY!" (He just came back from Stella and Sienna's room. He had makeup all over his face but in all the wrong places and his hair tied up in two pigtails.) everyone looks at him for a quick second before bursting out in laughter. "YOU LOOK STUPID AS FUCK MAL.." Kiri and Alec both tearing up in laughter. Kat laughing in his hands. "DID YOU LOOK AT YOURSELF?.." Spooky trying not to cry. "No?." Mal pulls out his phone to see what he looks like.

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