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Author: Behemoth

Chapter 1;

And then.

"I was in a relationship with you?"

"I don't like the past tense...."

Theodore blurted that out with a sullen face.

His voice trembled, and his eyes brimmed with tears and I almost fell for it.

"Aish! You're funny!"

Since when have you and I been like that? You and I... To put it bluntly, we've been like a bad master and a dark disciple! You're talking about a relationship that's not even close to that!

I was tempted to jump in and tackle him, but I resisted with all my might.

'Gee, calm down, Dante. Theodore is just imagining things......'

I wonder if I've really lost my memory... Or am I just pretending to have.

'Otherwise, he wouldn't be telling me such a ridiculous lie so casually, would he? Mmrm.'

Theodore looked at me again almost pitifully.

"You don't remember anything?"

I nodded without speaking. Suddenly, the expression on his face turned more serious.

"No, that can't be... No..."

Theodor's pupils darted wildly. His confusion was almost... ridiculous. Hey, if you're confused, I am too...

I was living freely in the countryside.

I'm supposed to be enjoying the second chapter of my life, free and happy when suddenly the ticking time bomb that is you arrives like a surprise, like a curse?

Here in my small but cozy cabin on the hillside, and an even smaller, rustic wooden table inside.

Theodore, holding my hands, which were splayed across the table, asked again.

"......Did you really forget?"

He held my hand so tightly that I couldn't get away, his eyes locked on mine. My heart beat rapidly, overwhelmed by those all-seeing violet irises. Thump, thump, thump.

I almost felt my heart crumble like a sandcastle again, but I pulled myself together.

I shouted at my torn mind. 'Dante, don't do anything you'll regret.'

'Remember how you got here!' I said.

I avoided Theodore's gaze and continued in broken sentences.

"The... Uh.... ......I'm sorry, I... Well...."

And just as I was about to pull my hand away,

"...It's okay."

Theodore was a little faster.

"It's okay... Really..."

As long as you're alive... that's all that matters.

A tear slipped from his eye. The tears left a faint trail on my small wooden table.

"Oh, no......."

That made me panic even more, so I jerked my head around to look for something to wipe it with and was about to reach for a handkerchief when I saw it flopping on the ground.

Suddenly, I felt like I had something heavy on my chest. It was similar to the last time I went down to the market and ate something very spicy. The pain started to throb all the way to my chest, which I could only assume was the location of my heart.

"W... wait...... only...."

No, what's wrong with me...

My body was acting faster than I thought. Hah, haaah. A loud gasp rang out in my ears, and by then my attention was on my student, who seemed to have suddenly dropped out of the sky.


My vision gradually blurred. It was a moment before my body tilted and I lost my balance and fell. If not for Theodore's firm grip, I'm sure I would have fallen helplessly to the floor.

He caught my body, but not my mind. The muffled voice gradually faded from my ears.

"...! ...Dante!"

Soon after, I lost consciousness.


Why did he say that to me like a line from the male lead in a daily k-drama that airs on KXX at 7:00 p.m. (is there even a k-drama in this world too?) ......

I had to go back a long way in time, so I had to go back 10 years before the change of the seasons.

I actually crossed the world 10 years ago. Not voluntarily, of course, but more like unintentionally?

So, if someone asks me, "How did you get there?" or "Can you go back?" I don't really have an answer. I really don't know.

'I, I just went home from work and went to sleep in my own bed...'

Oh, right.

I read a couple of web series, but it wasn't enough to get me to sleep.

My senior used to find me pretty boring because I didn't have any hobbies, but one day he told me he had something good, and he shoved his cell phone in my face. That's how I was introduced to web series.

The rest is... well... as expected.

I went from being a light reader on my commute to work to a heavy reader who devoured every new story that came out. In just a few months.

The genres I read are mainly romance. At first, I followed the genre recommended by a co-worker.

"Aahh, there's nothing to see here..."

I muttered to myself as I scrolled through the bestsellers and classics on the site, my eyes scanning aimlessly.

But as I scrolled, looking for something to binge-read, there was one work that caught my eye...

[Anonymous]ᄆᄎᄆᄎᄆᄎᄆᄎᄆᄎᄆᄎ;; Episode 68 of Jeffrey;;;
Views: 59281

ᄆᄎ;;;; Finally it's here. Welcome back with the 68th episode of this beautiful series.

I'll leave the link for any of you who might be interested in reading it so you can go savor every single letter ᄉᄀ.

Oh the link is here ->



ᄂ익2: If it's fake 3 generations will go bald.

ᄂ익4: ????????? It's steamy??

ᄂᄂ익21: ᄆᄎᄅᄋ이네ᅲᅲᅲᅲ How many months has it been? ᅲᅲ

ᄂᄂᄂᄂ37: It's been 8 months ᅲᅲᅲᅲᅲᅲᅲ

ᄂᄂᄂᄂ13: Author, I waited 8 months, and it took me 2 minutes to read it.

2 minutes to read;; please;; one more chapter;;

ᄂᄂᄂᄂ15 : Ha, Jeffrey is the biggest idiot ever.

ᄂᄂᄂᄂ18:ᄅᄋᄏᄏ Next episode Theodore will be back.

When I opened my eyes......

"It hurts... Master...."

I became the villainous teacher in that novel I read until dawn.

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