family time part 3

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Gabriel called the home doctor, who arrived promptly to check on Nathalie. After a quick examination, the doctor announced that Nathalie had a severe case of the flu, exacerbated by stress and exhaustion.

But just as the doctor was finishing up, Adrien and Gabriel started arguing again. "This is all your fault," Adrien shouted. "If you hadn't been so stubborn..."

Nathalie, who had been lying quietly on the couch, suddenly sat up, her eyes blazing with anger. "Stop it!" she shouted. "Stop fighting! Can't you see I'm sick?"

But her outburst only made things worse. Adrien and Gabriel started shouting over each other, their voices growing louder and louder.

The doctor tried to intervene, but it was no use. Nathalie's fever was getting worse by the minute, and the stress of the argument was only making it worse.

Suddenly, Nathalie's body started shaking uncontrollably, her teeth chattering with fever. "Gabriel...Adrien...please..." she whispered, but her voice was barely audible.

Gabriel and Adrien stopped fighting, shocked by Nathalie's condition. "Oh my god, Nathalie," Gabriel whispered, rushing to her side. "I'm so sorry. We didn't mean to make it worse."

But it was too late. Nathalie's fever had spiked to dangerous levels, and she was now hallucinating, her mind cloudy with confusion.

The doctor rushed to her side, injecting her with medication to try and bring down the fever. But as they waited for the ambulance to arrive, Nathalie's condition only grew more critical..

After a few days of rest and medication, Nathalie's fever finally subsided, and she was declared safe by the doctor. The unborn baby was also fine, and Nathalie was relieved.

But despite the good news, the tension between Nathalie and Adrien only grew worse. They barely spoke to each other, and when they did, it was only to argue.

Gabriel tried to mediate, but it seemed like nothing could calm the storm brewing between his wife and son.

One day, as Nathalie was cooking dinner, Adrien walked into the kitchen, his face sullen. "I'm not hungry," he muttered, turning to leave.

Nathalie felt a surge of anger. "Fine, don't eat then," she snapped. "See if I care."

Adrien spun around, his eyes flashing. "You never care about me anyway," he shouted. "All you care about is yourself and that precious baby of yours."

Nathalie's eyes widened in shock. "How dare you," she whispered. "I've given up everything for this family, and this is the thanks I get?"

The argument escalated until Gabriel had to intervene, pulling Adrien away from Nathalie. "That's enough," he shouted. "We're not going to have this kind of behavior in this house."

But the damage was done. Nathalie and Adrien's relationship was at an all-time low, and it seemed like nothing could ever repair it.

In the heat of the argument, Adrien's anger got the better of him, and he lashed out at Nathalie, hitting her on the head. Nathalie cried out in pain as she fell to the ground, her head bleeding profusely.

Gabriel was horrified. "Adrien, what have you done?" he shouted, rushing to Nathalie's side.

Nathalie was dazed and disoriented, but she could see the fear and concern in Gabriel's eyes. "I'm okay," she whispered, trying to sit up.

But Gabriel held her down. "No, don't move. I need to stop the bleeding."

Gabriel quickly grabbed a towel and applied pressure to Nathalie's wound. He then gently cleaned the area with soap and water, before applying a bandage.

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